community college

20 articles tagged with "community college"

5 Important Things to Do Before Leaving Community College

You learn a lot about life, higher education, and yourself at community college. Here are five lessons one student learned to help enhance your experience.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

Top 10 Reasons to Study at a Community College

From saving money to testing the waters to transferring with ease, there are many benefits to attending or starting out a community college.

Education Blogger

Don't Fret the Debt: 5 Ways to Conquer Student Loans

Finances are only good if you put in the effort. If the future of your wallet feels burdened by student loan debt, these five tips can help you stress less.

CollegeXpress Student Writer, University of Central Florida

The Ups and Downs of the Transfer Experience

Transferring colleges can feel like a roller coaster! Read on to learn about the ups and downs from a former transfer student who knows the ride firsthand.

Senior Assistant Editor, CollegeXpress

Pros and Cons of Transferring From Community College to a Four-Year School

Many students go to community colleges planning to transfer to four-year schools. Is it the right choice for you? Let's talk benefits and disadvantages.

CollegeXpress Student Writers

How to Stay on Track in Community College

Many community college students end up enrolled way longer than anticipated: the dreaded seven-year plan. Here's how to avoid a long academic journey.

English Tutor, TutorNerds

Are You Ready to Transfer? Planning for Your Future

Most community college students intend to transfer to a four-year school—but are you ready for the move? Here's what you should do to make it a reality.

Assistant Director of Admissions, Seattle University

Want an Ivy League Degree? Consider Community College First

Dreaming of attending an Ivy League school? Here's why high-achieving students should consider starting at a community college then transferring.

Education Professional, Author

Great Alternative Paths If Your Student Isn't Interested in College

A traditional college education isn't the only option for students—and it's okay if they don't want it! Here are other options for you to explore together.


Benefits of Transferring

You fall back into a butterfly chair, exhausted from the anatomy exam you spent weeks prepping for. Kanye West emanates from the computer speakers, the mini-fridge buzzes, John Belushi in his College sweatshirt stares back at you from the poster hanging above your extra-long twin bed. You stare into your lava lamp, entranced by its mysticism and wonder, and you ask, Is this school the right place for me?

Director of Admissions, Becker College

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