college classes

38 articles tagged with "college classes"

5 Good Reasons You Should Take a Summer Class

Summer is finally here! While you may be tempted to take a full break from school, here are five good reasons why you should consider taking at least one class.

Group Marketing Manager, Cardinal Group Management

College in a Post-COVID-19 World: Counselor Q&A

Get more insight on higher education changes during the coronavirus pandemic with another Q&A session from one of the CollegeXpress community's college planning experts.

Co-founder & President, One-Stop College Counseling

4 Ways to Avoid Isolation as an Online Student

Feeling lonely as an online student? Here's what you can do to stay connected when you're not learning together in a physical classroom.

by and

3 Simple Steps to Become a Course Registration Master

Choosing your class schedule for next semester can be a daunting task, but you can become a course registration wizard in no time with these quick tips.

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Loyola University New Orleans

The Top 7 Spooky College Courses of All Time

If Halloween is your aesthetic all year, you'd ace all these spooky classes. Here are some of the creepiest courses offered at colleges across the country.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

How Students Can Save Money on College Textbooks

College textbooks can be expensive, but if you know how to shop around, they don't have to break the bank. Here are a few ways you can save money on books.

Former Writer and Senior Editor, CollegeXpress

A Guide to Choosing the Best First-Year College Classes

It's important to plan out your college classes carefully each semester! Here's a guide for first-year students who may not be sure about which courses to pick.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

5 Tips for Writing a Fantastic Essay in College

Writing your first essay in college may be daunting. After all, the stakes are higher than high school. You're sure to get an A following these five tips!

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Southwestern University

Quiz: What Elective Should You Take Next Semester?

Electives, electives, electives. So many to choose from. How can you decide? This quiz will help!


What Questions Should I Ask My Academic Advisor?

Your academic advisor is your best partner for a successful college experience. Here are some expert recommendations for questions you should be asking.


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