
67 articles tagged with "act"

The 3 R's of Overcoming Test Anxiety

Preparing for high-stakes exams such as the SAT or ACT can be stressful, but with a few simple steps, you can transform your stress into a useful motivator.

Medical Practitioner and Content Author, Academic Medical Associates and UWorld

Debunking 4 SAT, ACT, and Remote Learning Myths

COVID-19 has changed education, but it doesn't mean what you've heard about remote learning and standardized tests is true. You can disregard these myths!

Content Director, UWorld

Video: What Is Test-Blind College Admission All About?

A growing number of colleges and universities are becoming "test-blind," but what does it mean to the admission process? Watch this video to learn more!

CEP; Co-founder & President, One-Stop College Counseling

The Future of the SAT and ACT During COVID-19

The future of standardized tests and testing policies at colleges is going to look a lot different due to the ongoing pandemic. Here's what you should know about the SAT and ACT.

Private Tutor

What Standardized Tests Should You Take (or Not)?

Standardized test requirements are drastically changing in the higher education world. Figure out which tests you should be taking or not for your college goals with this advice!

Freelance Writer

How to Conquer Your Test Anxiety

Whatever big test you have coming up--AP, SAT, or ACT--you can conquer your anxiety and go into exam day confident and ready to ace it. Find out how!

Private Tutor

The Truth About SAT and ACT Prep Courses

Just how helpful are ACT and SAT prep courses, really? Find out here, plus learn how COVID-19 is changing upcoming test dates and college admission policies

Founder, Tutor Portland

How COVID-19 Is Affecting Standardized Tests

The coronavirus seems to be affecting just about everything related to the college search. Read on to see how COVID-19 is changing standardized tests.

College Counselor and Tutor, Moon Prep

3 Things to Consider About Standardized Test Prep Services

You've probably heard upperclassmen talking about preparing for the SAT and ACT for years, but now it's your turn. Here are three things to know about test prep services and tutoring.

College Counselor and Tutor, Moon Prep

What Should You Do if You Have a Low SAT or ACT Score?

So you got your SAT or ACT scores back and they weren't what you were hoping for. It's not the end of the world! Here's how to get the high scores you want.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

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