About Us

Private Colleges & Universities is a free college and scholarship resource for students, their families, and school counselors. With College and Scholarship Search tools, 800 unique college lists, and tons of articles and expert advice, Private Colleges & Universities has everything students and families need to find the perfect college, pay for it, and much more!

How are we able to pack so much awesomeness into one website? We’ve been at this college search business for a while. We have more than 25 years of experience working directly with colleges, and we help students find schools that truly fit! Campuses across the country and around the world are full of students who discovered colleges in the pages of our magazines and websites. You'll find all of the editorial and college profiles from our publications—Private Colleges & Universities, Global Colleges & Universities, Public Colleges & Universities, and Graduate Colleges & Universities—at CollegeXpress. Plus we made it easier and faster for colleges to recruit you. When you search college profiles and click the big, green "Yes, connect me!" button, colleges will send you brochures and other cool stuff about their campuses. How easy is that?

Private Colleges & Universities

Visit CarnegieDartlet.com for more information on our print, interactive, lead generation, and direct marketing services for colleges and universities.