scholarship search

60 articles tagged with "scholarship search"

Over 30 September Scholarship Opportunities to Apply For

We’re in full back-to-school mode, but that doesn't mean the scholarship search should slow down. Here are over 30 great awards with September deadlines.

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Over 35 August Scholarship Opportunities to Apply For

There’s still plenty of time to apply for scholarships this summer to pay for college. These 35+ awards with August deadlines will get the ball rolling!

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Over 30 July Scholarship Opportunities to Apply For

It’s important to keep applying for scholarships that will contribute to your future—even during the summer. Here are a bunch with upcoming deadlines!

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5 Helpful Scholarship Tips From a Student With Zero College Debt

Did you know you could land enough scholarship money to pay for your whole education? Don't take it from us! Take it from this student who did it already.

Student, Clemson University

6 Quick and Easy Ways to Find More Scholarships

With a little smart thinking, you can get more scholarships to pay for college than you think! Here are six simple ways to find more awards you're eligible for.

College Counselor and Tutor, Moon Prep

A Helpful Guide to Scholarships for Students of Color

Scholarships are important to minority students' success and ability to pay for college. Here's a guide to awards for students of color and tips to find them.

K–12 Manager, City of Seattle

The Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Use CollegeXpress

If you aren't a part of the CollegeXpress community yet, you're missing out! Here are the top five ways we make your college and scholarship search easier.


6 Quick Tips to Follow During National Scholarship Month

It's National Scholarship Month! Hopefully you're knee deep in applications, but if you need some quick advice to stay on track, consider these six tips.

Founder, College Mindset

Our Best Advice on Finding and Applying for Scholarships

If you're looking for advice on scholarships, look no further. We have everything you need to know about applying to and winning scholarships right here!


Scholarship Strategies to Build Your Professional Network

Networking is important to your future career--but it can also help your scholarship search! Develop a scholarship networking strategy with this expert advice

Scholarship Strategist and Author

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