6 Quick Tips to Follow During National Scholarship Month

It's National Scholarship Month! Hopefully you're knee deep in applications, but if you need some quick advice to stay on track, consider these six tips.

Like many things with the college admission process, searching for scholarships can be overwhelming. However, if you start early and stay organized, you can obtain the money you need to close the gap between your college savings and educational expenses. What does that mean? It means you can get closer to graduating from college debt-free. So where do you start? Well, November is National Scholarship Month, so hopefully you already have. But whether you’re just beginning or you’re already in the thick of your search, if you follow these six steps, you’ll find the scholarship money you need to reach your educational goals.

1. Get organized

The scholarship search process may have you feeling overwhelmed with emails. A good place to start getting organized is to create a new email account to use exclusively for your scholarship search. Then you can keep yourself on track by setting a reminder in your calendar to check it at least once a week. You should also organize the scholarships you intend to apply for by using a spreadsheet. Be sure to note important things like the link to the scholarship application, requirements, and the deadline. Then put reminders in your calendar so you know when to start working on that application.

2. Think about you

The next step to generating a list of scholarships to apply to is to think about all the things that make you unique. Make a list of the following:

  • Extracurricular activities: Volunteering, editor of the school newspaper, Scout member, leader in religious youth groups, etc.
  • Personal interests: Animal rights, engineering, entrepreneurship, future teacher, beekeeper, etc.
  • Personal talents: Art, music, dance, glassblowing, running, public speaking, etc.
  • Personal characteristics: Red hair, tall, short, left-handed, etc.

Next, use a search engine to see what’s out there. Are you an only child? Google “only child + scholarships.” Are you a female interested in engineering? Google “female engineering + scholarships.” There’s a plethora of criteria combinations that could lead you to finding great opportunities, so be sure to search anything you can think of.

Related: Scholarship Criteria That Can Increase Your Opportunities

3. Look locally

The next step is to generate a list of available local scholarships you may not be able to easily find on the internet. Ask your school counselor what scholarships are available through your city, county, state, and high school. Also ask if any local organizations offer scholarships (e.g., Knights of Columbus, American Legion, etc.). Check with your parents and ask if they’re affiliated with potential scholarship-awarding sources or have connections with people who are. For example, their employer, military status, first-responder status, group membership, church or religious affiliation, or college alumni association may all offer scholarship opportunities for their children.

4. Find major corporation scholarships

Another source for outside scholarships is major corporations. Most big companies offer scholarships (often with high-value awards) that students can apply for, but be aware these can be competitive since they’re usually more widely known. You should also ask your parents and relatives if the companies they work for offer scholarships, especially if they work for a reputable organization. 

Related: 3 Smart and Easy Strategies to Win More Scholarships

5. Use scholarship search engines

There are hundreds of scholarship search engines out there. You’ll need to create a profile on each website then keep track of which scholarships are designated as “matches.” The #1 rule for using a scholarship search engine is that you should never have to enter credit card information or pay a fee to use it. If you do, step away. Also, be sure to only sign up for a few accounts so you’re not overwhelmed with options. (Plus, many of the search engines will list the same scholarships.)

6. Start early and keep looking

Most students don’t begin looking for scholarships until their senior year of high school, but I find most seniors are too overwhelmed with the college application process to begin this type of search. You can start looking (and in some cases, even applying) for scholarships as early as freshman year of high school. You should also continue to look for scholarships while you’re a college student. After you get to college, head to the financial aid office and ask about scholarships available to current students. Once you declare a major, you may also be eligible to receive scholarships from your academic department.

Related: When Can I Start Applying for Scholarships?

Remember, every penny for college counts, and looking for scholarships is a lot of work—but it’s all worth it in the end. I challenge you to have at least 15–20 scholarships you want to apply for by the time you begin your senior year of high school. Take the time to set yourself up for success, and your future self will thank you!

Ready to start your search right now? You can find a ton of scholarships right here on CollegeXpress using our Scholarship Search tool.

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About Katherine Price

Katherine Price

Katherine Price is the founder of College Mindset, a company in which Katherine uses her experiences as a former admission officer and student affairs professional to develop a student-centered approach to college counseling. Katherine also helps students develop valuable life skills while navigating the college application process. When she isn’t working with students, she mentors new Independent Educational Consultants to help them build a college counseling curriculum that provides the right amount of challenge and support for students. 


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St. John's University

Jamaica, NY

Keydi Banegas

Keydi Banegas

Scholarship for Students of Color Winner, Class of 2022

CollegeXpress is a great application that helped me search for many different scholarships, and it narrows the scholarships depending on how you set your profile. Not only that, but it helps you choose different colleges to apply to by finding matches through the description of your profile. It was the best experience for me.

Bri'Yana Brown-Dunn

Bri'Yana Brown-Dunn

High School Class of 2022

CollegeXpress helped me gain interest in many colleges/universities and many scholarships. I would say the most helpful thing CollegeXpress has done for me is sending me emails that tell me certain types of colleges are interested in me as well as emails about scholarships that I can look at and possibly apply for.

Amari Toussaint

Amari Toussaint

High School Class of 2022

CollegeXpress helped me narrow my school choices down from 10 schools to four and then two. It also gave me information on a school I had never heard about or thought about attending until now, which is the school I will be attending in the fall. I am thankful for CollegeXpress and its helpful tools.

Maria  Fernanda

Maria Fernanda

High School Class of 2023

CollegeXpress is always telling you with time to spare when to apply for certain scholarships, what they require, and if you’re eligible or not. They also provide helpful tips for both incoming college students and current college students, such as what to absolutely have in your dorm.



High School Class of 2021

CollegeXpress has helped me greatly during my college search. I used their college search feature often and it helped in comparing schools I was looking at. Now that I’ve found a college the scholarship search feature is helping me find a way to find my college experience. CollegeXpress has many helpful features and resources for anyones college search, it truly is a wonderful tool for anyone entering college level!