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Over 40 August Scholarship Opportunities to Apply For

There’s still plenty of time to apply for scholarships this summer to pay for college. These 40+ awards with August deadlines will get the ball rolling!

A new school year and fall semester are coming up quickly as we transition from July to August, but there’s still plenty of time for students of all levels to search and apply for scholarships. The list below includes more than 35 scholarship opportunities with deadlines in August for high school, undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education students. Start scrolling to find free money you’re eligible for that will help you pay for school!

Scholarships for high school students

  • CollegeXpress Back-to-School Scholarship: New and existing CollegeXpress users are eligible for this random scholarship drawing, with one prize for each high school grad level awarded! To enter, just create a free CX account (or log back in) and answer the following question: If you could have any celebrity or influencer visit your school, who would it be? You can find a new easy scholarship contest every month in the Featured Scholarships section of Awards: $500; Deadline: August 31

Scholarships for high school and undergraduate students

  • Employment BOOST Academic Scholarship: This scholarship is open to US high school seniors as well as two- and four-year college students with a GPA of 3.6 or higher. Applicants may be pursuing any major, but one of two scholarships awarded will be given to a student pursuing Business or STEM fields. Applicants must submit an essay between 500–1,000 words. Awards: $1,000; Deadline: None; applications accepted year-round on a rolling basis
  • The Melissa Linville Criminal Justice Scholarship: This is a great opportunity for students interested in the criminal justice field. Applicants must be currently enrolled in post-secondary education full- or part-time (or a high school senior/recent graduate) with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. An essay that demonstrates knowledge, ambition, leadership, and commitment to criminal justice is required. Award: $500; Deadline: August 1
  • NSHSS Nobel Good Earth Sustainability Scholarship: Five awards are available for NSHSS high school and college members of all levels with a dedicated passion for conservation, sustainability, environmental policy, or preservation of the Earth. A teacher recommendation and a 500–800-word essay on how individual efforts can inspire larger societal changes toward a greener, more sustainable future are required, as well as pictures, videos, or media of your leadership in action. Awards: $5,000; Deadline: August 15

Scholarships for undergraduate students

  • NBCUniversal LNESC Scholarship: This scholarship is open to rising college sophomores and juniors who are Latino and attending an accredited college or university. Applicants must have a 3.0 GPA and an interest in the media and entertainment industry, although all majors are welcome. Applicants must also be US citizens or legal permanent residents. Multiple awards are offered. Awards: $5,000; Deadline: August 1
  • Universities Space Research Association Distinguished Undergraduate AwardsThe USRA offers up to four scholarships per year to full-time undergraduate students who are working toward a Science or Engineering degree with an emphasis on space research, space science education, or aeronautics-related sciences, including Life Sciences and Science Education. Applicants must be attending a four-year accredited college or university and be within two years of earning their BS or BA in the field. Awards: $5,000; Deadline: August 7
  • Future Educator Scholarship: Aspiring teachers should apply for this award sponsored by Mrs. Prindables Gourmet Caramel Apples. Current and incoming college students majoring in Education at US institutions may apply for this award to be used for tuition or other educational expenses. Applicants just have to fill out a short form and tell the committee why they want to be an educator. Award: $1,000; Deadline: August 18
  • Platt Family Essay Contest: Sponsored by The Lincoln Forum, this scholarship is open to full-time undergraduate students from any country attending American colleges and universities; high school students are not eligible. An essay between 1,500–5,000 words on why the 1864 Lincoln-McClellan presidential race was the most crucial in American history is required. Prizes are awarded for first, second, and third place. Awards: Up to $1,000; Deadline: August 31

Scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students

  • SBB Research Group STEM Scholarship: With 12 scholarships awarded throughout the year, this opportunity is for full-time students who are pursuing STEM fields. Applicants must have a minimum 3.5 GPA and write a short essay about their most significant STEM experiences. This scholarship is open to students worldwide and there are no age restrictions. If chosen, you must accept the award by email within one week of being notified. Award: $2,500; Deadline: None; applications accepted on a rolling basis
  • Chuan Ai Lu Engstrom Memorial Scholarship: Sponsored by PCB Solutions in honor of a former employee who passed away from uterine cancer, this award is open to any full-time student attending a college or university in the US with a minimum 2.5 GPA. There are no age restrictions for this biannual scholarship. Applicants must submit an essay on their vision of electronic design, engineering, and manufacturing in the global economy. Award: $1,000; Deadline: August 1 (and December 1)
  • MarvelOptics National Scholarship Contest: Current full-time two- or four-year students at accredited colleges and universities are welcome to apply for this biannual scholarship; there are no age or major requirements. Students must write a 300-word essay or film a one-minute video response to the following prompt: Helen Keller said, “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.” What does that mean to you? Writers may post their responses on a personal blog, and those choosing to make a video may post it to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube. Award: $1,500; Deadline: August 15 (and January 5)
  • Carlile Law Firm Scholarship: This scholarship is awarded to at least one student each fall, though multiple awards may become available based on the number and quality of applicants. Undergraduate and law school students (including incoming first-years) focusing on Pre-law or related fields at accredited colleges or universities in the US are all eligible to apply. Applicants must have US citizenship or authorization to work in the United States and a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 at the undergraduate level. A typed, single-spaced, 12-point-font essay of 500–1,000 words on a topic related to the practice of law is required. Award: $1,000; Deadline: August 15
  • Scholarships 4 Moms: Moms deserve educational support too! This award is for US citizens ages 18 and older who are mothers or expectant mothers. Applicants must be enrolled or soon to be enrolled at a college or university in the United States to enter this sweepstakes drawing. Award: $10,000; Deadline: August 15
  • The Turco Munoz Domestic Violence Survivor Scholarship: Available for undergraduate, graduate, and law school students who’ve been advocates for survivors of domestic violence, this renewable scholarship honors academic performance, employment, volunteer experience, financial need, and plans after graduation. Applicants must have a genuine intention to serve survivors of domestic violence after graduation. Award: $1,000; Deadline: August 19
  • Bumblebee Linens Scholarship: This essay-based scholarship is open to current undergraduate and graduate students who are 18 years or older. Applicants must be legal residents of the United States or hold a valid student visa. There are no GPA requirements or application forms; you just need to submit a 1,000-word essay on a meaningful event that changed your life. Award: $500; Deadline: August 22
  • Boomer Benefits Scholarship: This scholarship is offered to adult students who’ve returned to school to complete their degrees. Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents ages 50 or older who are currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program, including community college, with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. A letter describing career goals and community service involvement is also required, and two recipients will be chosen. Awards: $2,500; Deadline: August 27
  • Achieve Today Scholarship: This scholarship is open to current college students who are at least 18 years old. Applicants must submit a video or audio recording of three to five minutes or write an essay of at least 800 words on one of four principles of personal development. Award: $1,000; Deadline: August 31 (and December 31)
  • Brigadier General Albin F. Irzyk Veteran Scholarship: If you’re a college student as well as a veteran, this scholarship is for you. Applicants may be pursuing any major or area of study but must be US citizens who are matriculating to a university accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International). Award: $2,000; Deadline: August 31
  • Hometown Pride Scholarship: Incoming first-years, undergraduates, and graduate students who are passionate about their town or state should apply for this scholarship. Applicants may be pursuing any major but must be US citizens currently attending an accredited college or university within the United States and have a 3.0 minimum GPA. A 750–1,000-word essay on why you are proud to be from your hometown or state and what makes it special to you is required. Award: $1,000; Deadline: August 31
  • Danny Russell Law Firm Scholarship: Students pursuing undergraduate degrees in Pre-law Studies or entering law school this fall should apply for this award for tuition or other related expenses. Applicants must be accepted into a program at any US school and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. A one-to-three-page essay on a topic of your choice related to an area of law that interests you is required. Award: $500; Deadline: August 31
  • Griffin Law Office Scholarship: Here is a similar scholarship opportunity sponsored by a criminal defense attorney out of San Diego. Applicants must be pursuing undergraduate degrees in Pre-law Studies or entering law school this fall, with the same GPA and essay requirements. Award: $500; Deadline: August 31
  • Whitmarsh Family Law Scholarship: Here’s one more opportunity for Pre-law undergraduates and first-year Law students. Applicants must be US citizens or authorized to work in the US, accepted and attending school this fall, and have at least a 3.0 GPA. A 250–500-word essay on why you are drawn to the study and practice of law is required, among other application materials. Award: $1,500; Deadline: August 31
  • Clubs of America Scholarship: This scholarship is open to current college students pursuing any academic major with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Applicants must submit an essay of 600 words or fewer or a YouTube video no longer than five minutes on their career aspirations and how their current studies will help them achieve success. Award: $1,000; Deadline: August 31
  • 1st Financial Bank Financial Goals ScholarshipThis is a monthly scholarship open to US residents who are 18 or older and planning to enroll or are currently enrolled in a college degree program. This is a random drawing, but it does require you to submit a short essay of 500 words or fewer. Award: $2,000; Deadline: August 31 (last day of every month)

Scholarships for graduate students

  • TYLENOL® Future Cares Scholarship: This opportunity is open to current Medical, Nursing, and Pharmacy graduate students with at least one year of school left. Applicants must be residents of the United States, Puerto Rico, or the District of Columbia and attending a graduate program in the US, PR, or DC. Recipients are chosen based on college GPA, academic records in graduate school, community involvement/volunteer service, and essay content, with a total of 35 scholarships available. Awards: Up to $10,000; Deadline: August 1
  • AKA-EAF Graduate Scholarships: Two scholarships sponsored by the Education Advancement Foundation are available for full-time graduate students at accredited degree-granting institutions who demonstrate community service and involvement. The merit award requires applicants to have a minimum 3.0 GPA, while the financial need award requires a minimum of 2.5. Documentation of a project, research, or other scholarly pursuit is required. Awards: Amounts not disclosed; Deadline: August 15

Scholarships for (basically) everyone

  • ADHDAdvisor’s Mental Health Advocate Scholarship: This scholarship is open to high school seniors as well as current undergraduate and graduate students who are committed to helping others with emotional and mental health support. To apply, just explain how you have assisted others with their mental health and your plans to use your education and future career to continue helping those around you (no word count). Award: $1,000; Deadline: August 1
  • Michael Moody Fitness Scholarship: High school seniors, undergraduates, and graduate students pursuing careers in Athletic Training, Psychology, Biology, Kinesiology, Nursing, General Medicine, Dentistry, Behavioral Sciences, Personal Training, Physical Education Teaching & Coaching, Health & Physical Fitness, Exercise Science, Sports & Recreation Management, Health Sciences, Physical Therapist, or another health-related field are eligible for this award. Applicants must be legal residents of the US or Puerto Rico and demonstrate ambition and academic achievement. Award: $1,500; Deadline: August 1
  • Patsy Takemoto Mink Education Support AwardsThis opportunity for low-income families offers awards to women 17 years and older who are mothers with minor children. Applicants must be pursuing their first degree (including vocational, associate, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral) at an accredited nonprofit higher education institution in the US. Five scholarships will be awarded. Awards: Up to $5,000; Deadline: August 1
  • Race to Inspire Scholarship: If you’re a runner, you could win this award by submitting a 1,000­–2,000-word essay on what inspires you to run, the challenges you’ve faced, and what you’ve learned through your running experience. Applicants must show proof of enrollment at an accredited US college or university for the fall semester. (Try watching some track & field Olympic events to get even more inspired!) Award: $500; Deadline: August 15
  • Rodeo Ticket Student Scholarship: This scholarship is open to rodeo enthusiasts of all backgrounds, whether you grew up going to rodeos or just attended your first one. An essay explaining what inspired you to attend and what you learned through the experience is required. Applicants must be able to verify their enrollment at an accredited college or university for the fall semester to receive the check. Award: $500; Deadline: August 15
  • Innovation in Education Scholarship: This monthly scholarship is open to high school and college students who write an essay on an innovative project they’ve designed that makes a difference in the lives of others. Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and be a US or Canadian citizen. Award: $500; Deadline: August 20 (same date every month)
  • Lawnpreneur Scholarship: Sponsored by LawnStarter, this scholarship supports students starting or planning to start a lawn care business. Recently graduated high school students as well as current two-year, four-year, and graduate students are eligible, and all academic majors are welcome. Applicants must submit an essay on why they’re passionate about building a business in 500–700 words. Award: $1,000; Deadline: August 20 (and December 31)
  • Castagra Roofing Scholarship: Students passionate about innovation or sustainability should apply for this award. Applicants must be from the US or Canada and pursuing a college or vocational program in roofing or a similar field such as construction, waterproofing, etc. An essay of 1,000 words or fewer on your educational and career goals is required. Those not planning to attend college may still be eligible if they meet a separate set of requirements. A runner-up prize will also be awarded, and applicants may reapply to the program each year that they meet eligibility requirements. Awards: Up to $1,500; Deadline: August 30
  • Leaders Save Lives Scholarship ProgramThis opportunity from the American Red Cross is more of a challenge and is open to high school and college students, including those enrolled at trade schools or community colleges. Applicants must organize a blood drive during designated time frames, and depending on how many pints you collect, you’ll earn varying gift card awards and entries into scholarship drawings. Awards: Up to $200 (gift cards) and $2,500 (scholarship drawings); Drive time frames: June 1–August 31 (and December 15–January 15)
  • MyMozaic Monthly Scholarship ContestThis monthly scholarship sweepstakes is open to US citizens 13 years and older. All you have to do is provide your email to apply. Selection is based on the quality of your MyMozaic profile, including documents, photos, videos, and followers. Award: $1,000; Deadline: August 31 (last day of every month)
  • Chaffin Luhana Foundation Anti-Distracted Driving Scholarship Essay ContestThis scholarship is open to students under the age of 25 who are currently registered at an accredited high school, college, or university in the Greater Pittsburgh area, including Western Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio, and Northern West Virginia. An essay is required, and the scholarship money must be used toward student housing, books, or tuition. Award: $2,500; Deadline: August 31
  • $2,000 Sally Mae Scholarship Sweepstakes: Sallie Mae offers an easy scholarship contest that both students and parents can enter each month. It’s open to legal residents of the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, or any US Territory who are age 17 or older at the time of entry. Award: $2,000; Deadline: August 31 (last day of every month)
  • US Figure Skating Scholarships: Multiple awards are available for high school seniors, undergraduates, and graduate students who have competed in official US Figure Skating events. Requirements and amounts vary by award program, with opportunities for amateur singles, pairs, ice dance skaters, synchronized skaters, BIPOC skaters, and more. Awards: Amounts vary; Deadline: August 31
  • Make Me Laugh Scholarship: Why so serious? If you have an embarrassing but funny story to share, you have to enter this scholarship contest. Applicants must be legal US residents and 14 years or older at the time of application. Just describe an incident in your life, funny or embarrassing, fact or fiction, to make the scholarship committee laugh in 250 words or less. Award: $1,500; Deadline: August 31

Not enough scholarships for you? You can find even more opportunities using our Scholarship Search tool, and be sure to bookmark our "scholarship opportunities" tag to browse other awards based on your interests and the time of year!

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Rana Slosberg

Rana Slosberg

Slosberg College Solutions LLC

My favorite part of CollegeXpress is the 800+ lists which have all kinds of hard-to-find information. These lists are helpful when I’m creating college lists, and I also use them to give students a feel for a particular college or university.



High School Class of 2021

CollegeXpress really helped me by letting me know the colleges ratings and placements. They gave me accurate information on my colleges tuition rates and acceptance. They even let me know the ration between students and faculty and the diversity of the college. Overall they told me everything I needed and things I didnt even think I needed to know about my college and other colleges I applied for.



High School Class of 2022

My mother signed me up for a couple of scholarship contests through CollegeXpress. I was also able to do some research and compare the different schools on my list. I was able to see the graduation rates and different programs that helped me decide on Adelphi University. I will continue looking for some scholarships for my start in September.

Brooke Maggio

Brooke Maggio

High School Class of 2021

CollegeXpress has helped me tremendously in my college search in narrowing down the schools I’m interested in. Using the college search tool, I was able to narrow down my choices to schools that matched what I was looking for. I also used CollegeXpress for their scholarship search, which helped me find scholarships that I meet the requirements of.



High School Class of 2022

CollegeXpress has provided me with tips that were for college students, but as a high school junior, they were still very useful. Not only that, it also gave me an idea of what to expect when it comes to going to college or already being in college. I want to say thank you to CollegeXpress, and I hope you continue the wonderful tips until I hopefully get into college and throughout my college journey.