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Showing results 41 – 60 of 838 for “stress”

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Attending College With a Mental Illness

Attending college with a mental illness adds another level of stress to an exciting time in your life. Here's how to cope and thrive in college despite it!

by Emily Barylske


7 Ways to Have a Productive Summer

While lounging around recovering from the stress of school is great, there are many easy things you can do to have a productive summer.

by Tayler Butters


The Most Important Things You Need for Your Dorm Room

Dorm room shopping can add a whole new meaning to the word stress. Here's a list of essential things to put you on the right track for back-to-school shopping.

by Tayler Butters


A Smart Checklist to Prep for Your First Year of College

Preparing for college now will save you both time and stress in the long run. Here's everything you should do this summer to get ready for freshman year!

by Karabella Hernandez


Practical Advice for Managing Your Finances Before College

Learning to manage finances in high school will save you stress in college and beyond. Check out this practical financial advice from a fellow student.

by Risha Chaurasia


What Colleges Are Looking for in Your SAT/ACT Scores

You put all that time and effort (and stress) into taking the SAT or ACT...but why?! What are admission folks thinking when they see your score?

by Amanda Ochu


7 Savvy Habits to Help You Become a Highly Effective Student

Want to become a highly effective student with better grades and less stress at school? Check out these seven smart habits you should develop.

by Hunter Maguire


13 Tips for Winter Break and Second Semester Success

Setting yourself up for success over winter break can help you start second semester with less stress. Here are 13 things you can do during your time off!

by Sydney Mathew


Moving for College: Your Ultimate Weekly Timeline and Checklist

College move-in day is equally exciting and stressful. Take away the stress and leave the exciting with this ultimate moving timeline and checklist.

by Stephanie Rosenlund


The Best Quick Study Break Ideas

After four solid hours of studying for that biostatistics test, you need a study break. Here are our favorite quick and easy study break options for relieving stress and clearing your mind!

source: CX Student Users


5 Scary College Search Mistakes to Avoid for Less Stress During Admission

Do you have the college search scaries? Squash those fears and see what mistakes to avoid so the admission process and applying doesn't haunt you.

by Phoebe Bain


11 Steps to Finalizing and Submitting Your College Apps

Take the stress out of finishing up your college apps with these helpful tips on everything you should do and review before you hit the submit button!

by Sara Lindberg; Patrick O'Connor


How You Can Overcome 3 Common Study Abroad Stressors

So you want to study abroad in college—but you're anxious about it. Never fear! Here's some advice on overcoming the stress and pursuing a great program.

by Sarah Millard


Don't Fret the Debt: 5 Ways to Conquer Student Loans

Finances are only good if you put in the effort. If the future of your wallet feels burdened by student loan debt, these five tips can help you stress less.

by Emma K. Neal


A Helpful Guide to Planning and Asking for Letters of Recommendation

Trust us! You don't have to stress about asking for a letter of recommendation. Here's a guide to who to ask, how to ask them, and when to do it.

by Carson Macik


Summer Prep: 3 Ways to Get Ready for College Admission Season

Summer is the perfect chance to get a head start on the college admission process before the stress of senior year kicks in. Here are three key things to do!

by Lindsey Conger


How Parents Can Help Their Teens Tackle Back–to–School Avoidance

Some students stress about school before it even starts, leading to a lot of missed days. Here's how to tackle back-to-school anxiety with your teen.

by Dr. Douglas Newton


3 Important Reminders Before You Go on Campus Visits

Campus visits are extremely important--but the stress can sometimes make you forget the key details. Here are three reminders before you go on college tours.

by Jessee Sandlin


8 Ways to Pay Off Student Loans Faster and Save Money

The idea of being stuck in student loan debt forever is stress inducing. Utilize this advice to pay down your loans faster and ease your financial burden.

by Anna Serio


Making Your Final College Decision

Receiving multiple college admission offers is a wonderful thing...until you can't choose between them! Don't stress. Check out our insider tips!

by Courtney Sollie