student advice

71 articles tagged with "student advice"

College Expectations: Why It's Important to Personalize Your Own Experience

Your college life doesn’t have to include the stereotypical campus experience. Everyone is different and should set their own expectations. Here’s how!

CollegeXpress Student Writer, University of North Carolina at Wilmington

5 Unexpected Reasons to Become a Tutor in College

Tutoring other college students teaches you valuable skills and a lot about yourself and others. Find out all the great reasons you should become one here!

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Vanderbilt University

Valuable Tips You Should Know Before Graduating High School Early

Have you ever thought about graduating high school early? There are some things this student wishes she knew before she did. Read her words of wisdom here!

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Loyola University New Orleans

4 Unique Study Techniques for When the Usual Tricks Fail You

Sometimes it takes some creativity to get out of a study rut! Try these four unconventional methods to make studying a little fun and a lot more effective.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

College Students' Quick Guide to Health: Developing Good Habits

In part three of this series, get organized and on the right track to feeling better in college by managing your time and finding your ideal study style.

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Elizabethtown College

College Students' Quick Guide to Health: Taking Care of Your Mind

In part two of this series, learn how to prioritize your mental health with much-needed breaks, positive affirmations, and even more self-care!

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Elizabethtown College

College Students' Quick Guide to Health: Taking Care of Your Body

In part one of this series on college student health, learn why it’s so important to take care of your body with exercise, healthy eating, and self-care.

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Elizabethtown College

Top 6 Tips to Help You Write AP Essays and Document-Based Questions

Need help preparing for AP essays and DBQs? This student remembers all the tips and tricks she used to ace her exams and wants to share them with you!

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Loyola University New Orleans

5 Important Things to Look for in a College or University

Not sure where to begin your college search? You’ve come to the right place! Start by researching these five aspects that are super important to consider.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

How to Use a Bullet Journal to Stay Organized in School

Looking for a fun way to get organized as a student? Learn how to create a bullet journal that’s totally unique to you, your schedule, and your goals.

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Loyola University New Orleans

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