student loans

48 articles tagged with "student loans"

The Real Cost of College and How to Pay It

College costs are often not what they seem up front. Here's how families can understand how much it will actually cost, plus tips for the financial aid process.

Freelance Writer

What Is the Secret to Graduating From College With No Student Debt?

Students may dream of graduating debt-free, but that's often not the reality. Here's why that's okay and what you can do to make your debt more manageable.

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Finances and Your Child's Future

In the college search, you're helping your student take his or her education--and life--to the next level. But this step doesn't come without a high cost, being one of the most important investments of one's life.

Assistant Editor, Online Specialist

Smart Advice to Help Your Students Minimize Student Loan Debt

Help your students avoid the pitfalls of student loan debt without forfeiting a college education with these smart suggestions for making and saving money.

Former Writer and Senior Editor, CollegeXpress

Should I Take on Extra Debt to Attend My Dream School?

It's tempting to take on extra student loans or other debt to attend your dream college, but your financial future is important. Here's some expert advice.

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What Should I Do If My Family Can't Afford Tuition?

Tuition can be expensive, unfortunately. If you've been accepted to a college you love but don't know how you'll pay for it, here's some expert advice.

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Funding Your Future: Financial Aid at Public Colleges

Public colleges are known for being affordable. But you may still need help from financial aid. Here's what to know about funding your public college education.

Assistant VP for International Enrollment Management, SUNY Plattsburgh

Student Loan Consolidation and How It Could Help You

Want to lower your monthly student loan payments? Then consider consolidation. Learn more about consolidating and why it's a smart step to take postgrad.


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