college academics

212 articles tagged with "college academics"

How to Overcome Learning Obstacles in Math Classes

Math can be intimidating, and you may think it limits your choice of majors and career paths. Learn effective strategies to improve your math skills now!

by and
Math and SAT/ACT Tutor, Learner

7 Surprising Ways the Creative Arts Boost Academic Success

Art, music, and drama aren't just fun classes—they help you develop key skills to succeed in school. Here are seven ways the arts boost your academic life.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

How to Overcome Obstacles in Difficult Academic Subjects

Need help with those tough classes that just don't come naturally? Use these tips to break down problems, ask questions, and find the right resources.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

How to Be Smart About Test Prep Ahead of the Holidays

The holidays are coming, but so are finals! Survive all your homework and exams with tips on prioritizing your studies and yourself ahead of winter break.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

4 Proven Study Tips for Students With ADHD and Learning Differences

Students with attention disorders and LDs often struggle with traditional study strategies. Here's how you can go beyond the basics and study like a pro.

by and
Certified Math and Sciences Teacher, Learner

How to Find the Right Pre-College Summer Program for You

Pre-college summer programs can be great prep for higher education and give you a competitive edge, but not all are created equal. Here's how to find a good fit!

CollegeXpress Student Writer

How to Combat Sleep Deprivation for Better Academic Success

Sleep deprivation and insomnia are no joke. If you're a student struggling with academics because of sleep, here are some tips to adjust your habits.

Freelance Writer

What You Need to Know About Graduating College Early

If you want to graduate from college early, it will be a lot of work, but it's often worth the effort. Here's how and why to pursue this accelerated path.

Managing Editor,

How to Choose Between Pre-College Credit Courses

There are many ways to challenge yourself before college, including AP or dual enrollment courses. Here's how to choose between these demanding programs.

Certified Educational Planner,

New College Students: Don't Forget to Claim Your Earned Credits!

Students work hard at AP and dual enrollment classes each year...and forget to transfer their credits! Don't be this student and claim what you've earned.

Certified Educational Planner,

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