community service

14 articles tagged with "community service"

How to Make the Most of Your Community Service in High School

So you want to do community service in high school. Here's what it's all about and how you can find causes and opportunities that fit your passions.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

Spring Break Volunteering: 5 Great Ways to Give Back

Spring break is a good time to travel or watch Netflix, but it's a great time to give back to the community. Here are just a few ways you can volunteer.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

6 Important Questions About Service Learning in College, Answered

Service learning is a learning model that combines community with real-life problem solving. Here are 6 questions you should ask about this opportunity.

Former Dean of Admissions, Mount Mercy University

Valuable Reasons for Health Care Majors to Start Volunteering

Health and Medicine majors can strengthen their communities and their résumés through volunteering and service. Here are all the benefits and how to start!

Scholarship Search Strategist, College Prep Ready

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