international students

94 articles tagged with "international students"

Great Scholarships, Fellowships, and Grants for International Students

Need more money to pay for university? Here's a list of scholarships and fellowships for international undergrad and graduate students studying in the US.

by and

Helpful Resources to Pursue an International Education

Completing the international admission process can feel insurmountable, but these popular platforms can help make your dream of studying abroad a reality.

Professional Translator

Introduction to the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)

A starter guide to the TOEFL, including information about the Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing sections, plus resources to help you study.


4 Ways to Stand Out as an International Applicant

It can be difficult to stand out in the application pool as an international student. Here are some ways to help your university applications shine!

CollegeXpress Student Writer

3 Essential Tips for IELTS Success

Nervous about taking the IELTS? Here are three tips to help ease your mind and make taking the test a little less daunting.

Test Prep Expert, Magoosh

6 Questions to Ask About a University's Cultural Fit

Finding a good cultural fit in a university is important to being comfortable and happy on campus. Here's how to review schools through this cultural lens.

Former Director of Marketing & Enrollment Management, St. Thomas University

The International Student's Helpful Guide to Financial Aid

US financial aid can be confusing for any student but especially international students. Here's a guide to help you figure it out before you choose a school.

Associate Vice President for Global Admissions & Outreach, Gannon University

My Life in the United States: Stories From International Students

Get an idea of why these three international students chose to study in the United States and what their experience has been like.


The Complete Guide to US Financial Aid for International Students

Before coming to the United States for university, it's critical that you understand how financial aid for international students works. Here's what you need to know.

Freelance Writer

2 Easy Study Tips for Both Admission and Language Tests

The SAT. The ACT. AP tests. And the TOEFL too? International students have a lot to juggle, but the test prep pros at Magoosh have your back.

TOEFL and SAT Expert, Magoosh

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