Scholarship Search

Past President's Parlay Scholarship
Sponsored by: American Legion Auxiliary Department of Texas
Sponsored by: American Legion Auxiliary Department of Texas
Applicants be be residents of Texas and plan to attend an educational institution in Texas. Students must pursue their education in the field of medicine. Applicants must be the descendants of veterans who served during the Persian Gulf, Panama, Grenada, Vietnam, Korea, WWI or WWII wars. Awards will be based on need, goals, character, citizenship and objective. Applicants must submit a letter stating their objectives and three letters of recommendation, including one letter from a clergyman. Students must also provide a copy of DD214 and transcripts.
Application deadline | May 1 |
Scholarship, grant, fellowship, or contest | Scholarship |
Number of applications | 25 |
Required areas of study | medical fields |
Awarded every year? | yes |
Renewable? Reapplication required for renewal. |
yes |
Must be repaid? | no |
Required to attend a specific school? | no |
Medical Field Scholarship
American Legion Auxiliary Department of Texas
United States
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