black students

11 articles tagged with "black students"

Excellent College Extracurriculars for Black Students and Allies

Searching for college activities that support the Black student experience? This list of clubs, organizations, and networks is just scratching the surface!

Director of Content, CollegeXpress

8 Great Podcasts to Help You Learn and Celebrate Black History

To help everyone dive deep into Black history, check out these eight podcasts that honor and celebrate the Black experience. Happy Black History Month!

K–12 Manager, City of Seattle

How Students Can Celebrate and Acknowledge Juneteenth

Juneteenth is a federal holiday all students should know about and celebrate. Here are the basics and some ideas for participating this June 19th.

K–12 Manager, City of Seattle

Timeline of Important Events in Black History

To celebrate and learn more about Black history, check out this timeline of significant events, including important milestones in the history of education.


Top 5 Scholarship Opportunities for Black and African American Students

Many organizations are dedicated to promoting and uplifting Black students through scholarships. Learn about opportunities and tips to improve your search!

Scholarship Strategist and Author

School Spotlight: 7 Non-HBCUs That Support Black Students

In honor of Black History Month, we're shining a spotlight on these seven great colleges that are known for supporting Black students.

Senior Assistant Editor, CollegeXpress

Black Heroes of History: 5 Inspiring Female Figures

These five phenomenal, lesser-known Black females were crucial historical figures in the fight for civil rights. Read their stories on CX now!

Freelance Writer

Black Heroes of History: 5 Unsung Male Figures

These five lesser-known Black historical figures have amazing stories that are too incredible not to be shared! Check them out here now.

Freelance Writer

Impactful Ways You Can Celebrate Black History Month

Make the most of Black History Month this year by checking out the different ways you and your friends can celebrate and show support at your school.


Spotlight on Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Historically Black Colleges and Universities have a positive impact on students, communities, and the economy! Learn about four amazing HBCUs now.


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