
4 articles tagged with "recruitment"

22 Social Media Tips for Athletic Recruitment

How should student-athletes handle social media profiles when hoping to get recruited by colleges? Here's a plan of attack for Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Director of CollegeXpress

What You Need to Know About Athletic Recruitment

If you want to get recruited to play sports in college, you definitely need to start early. Here's everything you need to know about athletic recruitment.

Director of CollegeXpress

Why Student-Athletes Should Consider NAIA Schools

Navigating the college search process can be especially challenging for student-athletes. Learn why an NAIA school might be the best fit for you.

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How Can I Get Colleges to Recruit Me for Sports?

While you can't guarantee your spot on the team, there are some things you can do to help your case. Here are some tips for getting recruited.

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