college counselors

23 articles tagged with "college counselors"

Do You Need to Spend Money on a College Counselor?

There's a lot of pressure with college apps and admission. A private counselor could help you with the process, so let's talk about the admission benefits.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

A Shift in Writing: How You Can Help Students Improve Their Skills

Have your seniors' admission essays been lackluster? Here are five ways counselors can help students improve their writing skills for college applications.

Director of College Admissions Counseling, One-Stop College Counseling

The Best Time to Ask Your School Counselor These Important Questions

Need answers about the college search and application process? Go and ask your counselor! Here are some important questions you should ask and when.

Freelance Writer

How Can I Help Students Apply to Reach Colleges?

Not all students will get into the college of their dreams. Here's some expert advice on how to help students wanting to apply to reach colleges.

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How Should I Advise My Students After They've Been Accepted to Colleges?

A lot of students don’t seek further advising after they’ve decided which college to attend, but you can still offer help. Here’s what you should do.


How Can I Help Prevent Students From Cheating in School?

Students may succumb to cheating with the pressure of college admission, but it's risky. Here's what one of our experts suggests to help you prevent it.


Smart Advice to Help Your Students Minimize Student Loan Debt

Help your students avoid the pitfalls of student loan debt without forfeiting a college education with these smart suggestions for making and saving money.

Former Writer and Senior Editor, CollegeXpress

4 Proactive Things Counselors and Consultants Should Do This Summer

Planning ahead doesn't just apply to students! Get on track for back-to-school season and the next college admission cycle with these four head-start tips.

Former Writer and Senior Editor, CollegeXpress

4 Simple Ways to Multitask and Make Time for College Planning

High school counselors wear many hats. When there aren't enough hours in the day, how can you find extra time for college planning? We'll tell you!

Former Writer and Senior Editor, CollegeXpress

10 Helpful Tips for Working With College-Bound LD Students

Working with students who have learning or physical differences can put you to the test as a school counselor. Here's how to help with college planning!


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