high school classes

17 articles tagged with "high school classes"

AP vs. Dual Enrollment Courses: Which Are Better for You?

AP and dual enrollment are both great ways to get ahead in high school. But what are these courses and which should you choose? Here's some student advice!

CollegeXpress Student Writer

3 Easy Ways to Participate More in Your Classes

Class participation is a huge part of learning in high school and college. If you’re not used to speaking up, here's why it's important and how to get started.

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Anderson University

6 Classes to Take in High School to Prepare for College

You'll take a lot of classes throughout high school, but these six are sure to help prepare you for college. Take them if you can!

Writer & Editor-in-Chief, Classrooms.com

How to Reassess Your Workload at Your Breaking Point

Students have a lot of responsibilities, and they can get overwhelming. Student writer Skye has advice to reassess your workload before you hit your limit.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

How Future Neuroscience Majors Can Prepare for College

Interested in studying Neuroscience in college? Here are the best classes to take in high school and college, plus potential career paths the major can lead to.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

How to Choose Your High School Classes With College in Mind

Choosing high school classes you're passionate about and that'll benefit you on college applications is crucial. Here's how to create the best schedule!

Educational Consultant and Founder, Grand Fit Educational Consulting

Should I Ace Easy Classes or Push Myself in Hard Ones?

Is it smarter to take easy classes to boost your GPA or challenge yourself but risk lower grades in harder classes? Our experts have the answer!

by and

10 Tips to Improve Your High School GPA

Are you stressing out because your GPA isn't quite what you want? We've got you covered with some great tips to bring up those grades to where you want them!

Content Strategist, gpa-calculator.com

Video: How to Choose Classes for Senior Year of High School

Senior year is important in preparing for college, and your classes will play a large role in that. Here's some advice on how to choose your classes.


What You Should Study in High School to Improve Your College Chances

The subjects you take in high school can affect your college acceptance depending on where you want to apply. Here's some help on which classes to choose.

Freelance Writer

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