
36 articles tagged with "science"

New Tech Means New Jobs: Career Paths to Consider

As human knowledge expands and technology advances, all kinds of brand-new career paths are emerging. Here are some new tech fields to consider postgrad.

Freelance Writer

At Singularity University, the Future is Now

A non-university in Silicon Valley is fostering the development of awe-inspiring advances in science and technology.

Senior Assistant Editor, Wintergreen Orchard House

What Can You Do With a Computer Science Major?

Do you think it would be cool to design the technologies that make your electronic devices work better? To invent new ones? To help make people's lives and jobs easier? Then maybe computer science is the right path for you!

Freelance Writer

A Head Start on the Future: Benefits of Attending an Institute of Technology

Institutes of technology offer so much more beyond STEM education. Learn about all the benefits and why one of these schools may be the right choice for you.

by and
Rochester Insitute of Technology

10 Colleges That Went Green Before It Was Cool

Being eco-friendly is all the rage—and for good reason! Get inspired and see how these 10 colleges have led the way when it comes to going green on campus.

Former Editor, Careers & Colleges Magazine

What Can You Do With an Engineering Major?

If you're looking for a job where you can help people, use your science and math skills, and be in demand for decades to come, a career in engineering is tough to beat.


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