Arkansas State University -- Newport

Newport, AR

Arkansas State University -- Newport

Newport, AR

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Tuition & Fees



not including housing and food

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Test Scores

Average freshman score by percentile.

Not Reported

Not Reported

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Student Enrollment
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Arkansas State University -- Newport does not appear on any Lists or Rankings

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School Facts

Official website Visit website
Application link Apply online
Public/private Public
Established in 1992
Coeducational Coeducational

Campus in Newport (population: 7,690).

  • Campus Setting: Small town

Arkansas State University — Newport
7648 Victory Boulevard
Newport, AR

Campus Life

Housing available
Students may have cars on campus
Alcohol is not permitted on campus to students of legal age

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Test Scores

Average freshman score by percentile.

Not Reported

Not Reported

Admissions Facts

Admissions interview (required or recommended) Neither
SAT/ACT requirements ACT only Required ASSET Required


Not Reported

Admissions Factors

Not Reported

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Counseling services

  • Academic
  • Birth control
  • Career
  • Military
  • Minority student
  • Older student
  • Personal
  • Psychological
  • Religious
  • Veteran student

Remedial services offered

  • Math
  • Reading
  • Study skills
  • Writing

Career placement services

Not Reported

Percent of the campus accessible to physically disabled students

Not Reported

Additional services

  • Health insurance
  • Nonremedial tutoring

Special programs for physically disabled students

  • Note-taking services
  • Reader services
  • Talking books
  • Tape recorders
  • Tutors

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Financial Aid

Average financial aid
Not Reported


in-state out-of-state
Tuition $2,880
Additional fees $60
Total $2,940

Scholarships & Grants


Not Reported


Not Reported

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Financial Aid Office

P: 870 512-7800, extension 811

International Students

Number of foreign countries represented by degree-seeking undergraduate non-resident aliens 8
Countries most often represented Colombia
Special services offered for international applicants

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