High Point University
High Point, NC
High Point, NC
High Point, NC
Choose to be extraordinary
As The Premier Life Skills University, High Point University focuses on preparing you for the world as it’s going to be. It starts with all freshmen enrolling in President Nido Qubein’s Life Skills seminar and continues throughout your four-year transformational experience on campus. We call this journey the Four Pillars of Transformational Education.
Expand your knowledge through academic excellence
Become proficient in academic disciplines taught by stellar faculty with top-notch resources. This is expected at top accredited universities around the world, but this is also where the academic model for some universities begins and ends. At HPU, this is the foundational pillar that supports the others.
Gain practical experiential learning
Experiential learning accounts for 25% of your academic hours at HPU. Students are educated inside and outside the classroom through labs, studios, career shadowing, internships, research, study abroad, and professional opportunities to help you gain real-world experience within your discipline.
Foster your values and build character
HPU is among the John Templeton Foundation’s top 100 “Colleges That Encourage Character Development.” It’s in our DNA to graduate learned students who are grounded in sound moral decision-making and are framed with good character.
Develop life skills
We’re committed to equipping students with the life skills necessary to be successful within your career and life’s daily interactions. We use common exchanges and interactions—an interview over a meal at a fine dining restaurant, for example—to teach the art of persuasion, effective communication, and other skills that help HPU students stand out.
Commitment to diversity, equality, and inclusion
High Point University considers a strong commitment to diversity, equality, and inclusion as a core component of our mission and an essential ingredient to a holistic education in the liberal arts tradition. A liberal arts education develops critical thinkers, moving students from a fixed-mindset to a growth-mindset. This approach to learning prepares students for reflective action in an interdependent and diverse world. We not only understand and respect the unique talents and perspectives of all individuals but we also embrace and utilize their contributions. Our breadth of inclusiveness creates a path by which all individuals can achieve their highest potential in an increasingly complex and pluralistic society.
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Ranked the #1 “Best Regional College” in the South for 10 consecutive years | U.S. News & World Report |
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Ranked the #1 “Most Innovative College” in the South for seven consecutive years | U.S. News & World Report |
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Ranked #4 in The Best 388 Colleges for “Best Dorms” in the country | The Princeton Review, 2023 |
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Ranked #3 out of 1,456 institutions for having the “Best Dorms in America” | Niche, 2023 |
• Black Cultural Awareness
• Black Student Union
• Diversity Club
• Fraternities and Sororities
• Global Student Association
• People Representing Individuality, Diversity & Equity (PRIDE)
“High Point University has exceeded every expectation. They raise the bar for the development of the individual, incorporating life skills from the very start. I encourage visiting HPU to see why it’s head and shoulders above the rest.”
“I’m a Biology major in the Honors College program at HPU. The curriculum is rigorous, and the professors are top-notch. The beautiful campus and amazing food are just an added bonus!”
“High Point is focused on a well-rounded education. In my time at High Point, a lot of the focus was on the skills you can learn outside the classroom. All the professors I had cared a lot about my education and were very supportive.”
“I chose High Point University because the professors are top-notch and the environment is caring. Students have the chance to engage in undergraduate research in their freshman year. Overall, it’s a beautiful campus.”
“What I loved most about High Point University was the focus on students as individuals rather than numbers. It's a smaller university, which often means fewer opportunities—but at HPU, it meant more individual attention from professors who, in turn, shared research and career-oriented opportunities with their students.”