applying to jobs

6 articles tagged with "applying to jobs"

8 Valuable Job Search Sites for College Students

Don't limit your career search to a single source. Find a job you'll love with these websites that offer the most exposure and the best, coolest job listings.

Group Marketing Manager, Cardinal Group Management

Breaking Down the Postgrad Job Search in 4 Easy Steps

The postgrad job search can be tough, and you may not be sure where to start. Here's some practical advice from someone who's been there before.

Freelance Writer

6 Things to Omit From Your First Cover Letter

You may know what to include in your first cover letter, but do you know what to omit? Here are six things to leave out of this key document.


How to Write a Postgrad Résumé With Little to No Experience

You may feel intimidated if you don't have a lot to write about on your résumé. Follow these tips to get the job you want with limited work experience.


How to Write a Cover Letter With Little to No Work Experience

You're ready to churn out those cover letters and apply to jobs, but you have no experience. What do you do? Follow these helpful tips, of course!


The Top 6 Do's and Don'ts of Applying to Jobs

There's certainly a lot you should be doing during the job search, but there's also plenty you shouldn't. Here's the top do's and don't for applying to jobs.

Content Writer, All Campus