career paths

17 articles tagged with "career paths"

5 Major Career Benefits to Earning Your Music Degree

Skipping college to pursue a music career might seem enticing, but here are a few benefits to getting your degree first before stepping into the spotlight.

Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger

Beat Out Your Competition: Exploring Careers in the Sports Industry

Making a career out of athletics is a great option! Whether you’re on a field or in an office, take to the workforce knowing which way you're running.

Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger

5 Great Career Paths to Pursue With an Undergrad Biology Degree

Are you interested in science but not sure what you want to do after college? A Biology degree can set you on many paths, including these five careers.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

Hands-on Opportunities in College: Interning at the Super Bowl

Ever wonder what it’d be like to work at the Super Bowl? A student recounts her experience and what she learned during this unique internship opportunity.

Student, Niagara University

How to Start Exploring Your Major Interests as a High School Underclassman

As an underclassman, you don’t need to figure out your life right now, but it's smart to think about it. Here’s how to start exploring college majors.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

4 Great but Unexpected Health and Medical Career Paths

If you get a health and medicine degree, you’re going to be a doctor or nurse, right? Not necessarily! You have many potential career paths, like these options.

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Chile

4 Great Ways to Start Thinking About Your Future Career

Thinking about your future career in high school is a smart strategy as you get closer to college. Consider these four things to help you explore your options!

CollegeXpress Student Writer

How to Use LinkedIn Data to Build Your College List

LinkedIn can help you find feeder schools and build a college list. Learn what feeder schools are and how to use this valuable tool to your benefit here.

Founder & Independent Educational Consultant, AmberEd College Counseling

Top 10 Career Fields in America: What You Should Know

It's never too early to start thinking about your future career, even in high school! Start with our list of the top 10 career fields in the United States.


How to Choose a Major: With Your Head or Your Heart?

Choosing the right major for you can be difficult when your head is at war with your heart. Here's how to analyze your options with both in mind!

Freelance Writer

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