college academics

198 articles tagged with "college academics"

4 Good and 3 Bad Reasons to Change Your College Major

There are some good and bad reasons to switch your college major. Do any of these common scenarios apply to you? Here's some advice, plus questions to ask!

Freelance Writer

5 College Majors That Are Perfect for Foodies

Love food so much you want to study it in college? There are a lot of options beyond cooking! Take a look at these five great academic fields for foodies.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

IB Crash Course: 4 Big Questions About the Pre-College Program, Answered

The International Baccalaureate is a great advanced learning option for high school students. Here’s what you should know to decide if it's right for you!

Managing Editor,

How to Find Community, Safety, and Support as an LGBTQ+ College Student

If you're a member of the LGBTQ+ community or an ally looking for welcoming schools, here's how and where you can find supportive college campuses.

Senior Assistant Editor, CollegeXpress

5 Common Ways to Pay for Summer Classes and Graduate Sooner

Taking summer courses is a great way to get ahead and on your way to an exciting career you'll love. Here are some ways you can make it financially possible!

Senior Director,

A New Learning Ethos: What Does the Future of AI Look Like for Education?

AI is quickly taking its place in all facets of the world—including education. So what does this mean for students and their teachers? Let's discuss.

Authors, The Creative Thinking Handbook

Get the Most Value From Your College Experience With Co-op Programs

Cooperative education adds so much value to your college education, your future career, and your wallet! Here's what to know about college co-op programs.

Freelance Writer

Our Best Advice on Building Important Skills as a Student

Building important life and career skills will help you succeed in college and beyond. Here's all the advice you need on developing these valuable skills!


5 Tips to Help You Proofread Your Own Essays Like a Pro

Proofreading may not be your forte, but it's a skill you can develop! Here are five tips to become a better proofreader with your own essays and work.


An Inside Look at College Labs: What STEM Classes Are Really Like

College labs are a special bonus when pursuing a STEM major. Here's a look at what to expect from these highly specialized academic courses.

Managing Editor,

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