majors and academics

93 articles tagged with "majors and academics"

5 Good Signs You Should Drop a College Class

You may regret signing up for a college class, but thinking about dropping it might make you feel guilty too. Learn when it's worth dropping that course here.

Freelance Writer

Can I Study Science at a Liberal Arts College?

Science and engineering hopefuls may be wondering what kind of college to attend. Here's some expert advice on if liberal arts colleges are the way to go.

by , and

How Can I Get Involved in Research as a Student?

Interested in conducting research in high school or college? Learn about opportunities offered to you as a student and tips to find them from our experts.

by , , and

5 Reasons Why You Need a Liberal Arts Education

You may wonder why it's necessary to take liberal arts courses. But the liberal arts are in fact useful your major and future career. Here are five reasons why.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

Top Careers for Students Who Want to Make a Difference

Looking for a major and career path that will allow you to help others? Consider these life-changing fields for your academic and career journey.

Freelance Writer

The Pros and Cons of Declaring a Major on Your College Applications

What does declaring your major on your college applications mean and, more importantly, should you do it? Let's look at the pros and cons of declaring or not.

Freelance Writer

How to Use Your Potential Major to Guide the College Search

Many factors go into finding the right college, from location to scholarships to sports. Where does your major fit in? Here's how it impacts your search.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

How Should I Start Exploring My College Major Options?

So many career fields! What do you do? Here's some quick advice from our very own experts on exploring all your options for college majors.


3 Quick Tips to Narrow Down All Your Major Options

Choosing a major isn't easy, but the process of elimination can help you narrow down your list of potential majors and discover yourself along the way.

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Cedarville University

4 Practical Time Management Tips for Grad Students

There's no magic way to learn time management, but you may learn something new from these tips to improve your skills courtesy of another busy grad student.

CollegeXpress Graduate Student, Lewis & Clark College

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