
35 articles tagged with "summer"

4 Ways to Use Your Time Wisely During the Summer

Summer vacation is exciting, but it shouldn't be just about fun! Here's how students can be productive this summer and get ready for a big year ahead.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

Be Productive This Summer With Job Shadowing

Looking for a productive way to spend your summer as a high school student? Here are a few tips on how to clinch job-shadowing opportunities.

Founder, Moon Prep

How to Prepare for College Over the Summer

What should you be doing over the summer after senior year (besides having fun) to prepare for college this fall? Don't worry! We have the answers.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

6 Productive Ways to Make the Most of the Summer Before Senior Year

It's the first day of summer break, and you're going to be a senior next year! Here's how to balance a fun break with productive planning for the future.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

5 Things Every Transfer Student Should Do This Summer

Whether transferring from a two- or four-year school, there are a few things you should do this summer to make sure your experience is a positive one.

English Tutor, TutorNerds

All About Pre-College Summer Programs

Summer programs are a great opportunity to boost your skills and stay sharp over the summer. Here's what you need to know and why you should consider one!

CollegeXpress Student Writer

4 Reasons Why You Should Study for the SAT and ACT This Summer

It's finally summer! Though you should totally spend some time poolside or at the beach, it's important not to let your brain turn to mush. Read on for some compelling reasons why summer is a great time to up your test prep game.

Managing Director, truePrep

5 Things High School Students Need to Do This Summer

Want to stand out in the college admission process? It's not too late! Take matters into your own hands by doing these five important things over the summer.

Founder and Director, Strategic Admissions Advice LLC

The Summertime 7: Super Strategies for Seniors

Going off to college this fall? Congratulations! You deserve some R&R this summer, but you should also use the next few months to get ready for freshman year.

Author, College Admission Expert, Valley Prep Tutoring Services

10 Signs the End of School Is Turning You Into a Zombie

May is Zombie Awareness Month, and the end of the school year may have you feeling like the undead. Here are 10 scary signs to watch out for!

Former Writer and Senior Editor, CollegeXpress

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