Asian woman in black hat holding up fan of $100 bills near shells, palm leaves

Why It's Important to Search for Scholarships Over the Summer

Summer is one of the best times to search for scholarships. Here are a few reasons why you should be finding money to pay for college during the summer months.

One of the most important resources students can utilize for a smoother journey through college is scholarships. Scholarships are a key form of financial aid that students don’t have to worry about paying back—and the best part is you can apply for them whether you’re currently a high school student or already an undergraduate or graduate student. Here are a few reasons why it’s important to amp up your scholarship search during the summer.

You have more time on your hands

The summer months allow you to unwind after a long school year, but they can also serve as a time to do all the things you didn’t have time to get to. During the school year, you’re occupied with classes, homework, extracurricular activities, and maybe even a part-time job. A busy school schedule can lead you to forget about other important duties, like filling out scholarships applications. However, the summer presents a great opportunity to catch up on these things and devote your focus to them as you’re most likely dealing with fewer academic responsibilities. Finding scholarships can be time consuming, so reviewing various opportunities you’re eligible for and making note of their requirements, deadlines, and other details can make the process of applying for them much easier. Dedicating time to the scholarship search leads to better organization and overall efficiency in expediting applications. As you intentionally spend more time seeking and applying for scholarships, you’ll increase your chances of having less financial burden in the future. 

Related: 3 FAQs About Timing in Your Scholarship Search Process

You can explore your major interests

Another benefit of choosing to work harder on your scholarship search over the summer is you can take more time to explore your interests. Many scholarships are associated with specific organizations related to certain fields that promote unique values, and they may host events or activities for students to partake in that can be beneficial to your growth. By looking further into the organizations that offer scholarships related to your current major or area(s) of interest, you may learn more about a particular field you’d like to pursue. These organizations can provide enriching academic environments and professional development opportunities that can enable students to grow in their interests and overall journeys before and during college. By taking note of who’s offering certain scholarships and what their mission is, you may be able to refer to valuable resources to assist you in the future. This can lead students to reflect on where their passions lie as well as who they can connect with to receive more insight.

You can increase your productivity

Searching for scholarships over the summer allows you to make good use of your time. While it’s important to give yourself a mental break from academics, it’s also wise to make time for things that can greatly benefit you. If you find yourself bored over the summer, use your free time to pursue extracurricular interests while also working on your professional growth. Professional growth and strong extracurriculars are both often eligibility requirements for scholarships, and dedicating some extra time to these activities this summer will only make you a stronger applicant. Summer break gives you the freedom to explore more opportunities outside of time constraints and restrictions you may have at other points during the year. Therefore, it’s highly recommended to use that time to your advantage and seek out application-boosting opportunities.

Related: Scholarship Search Best Practices You Need to Follow

The scholarship search may seem like it’s never-ending, but it holds the potential to yield great results for your academic, personal, and professional future. Summer break is a great time to begin or continue your search—and it’s an opportunity you should not be wasting!

Get started on your summer quest for scholarships using the new and improved CollegeXpress Scholarship Search tool.

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About Lianna Jacob

Lianna Jacob is an undergraduate student who has gone through the college admission process and wants to share her experience with others! She enjoys learning more about her Christian faith and spending time with family and friends.



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