
7 articles tagged with "auditions"

What Are Music School Auditions Really Like?

Here's everything you need to know about the most important part of your music school application: the audition.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

Applying to Theater Schools: What You Need to Know

Finding the right theater program and auditioning can be a little intimidating. Here's what you should know before applying to performing arts schools.

Freelance Writer

6 Steps to Joining a College A Cappella Group (or, How to Be a Barden Bella IRL)

Thinking about joining a collegiate acappella group? Here's an inside look at the process at one school. Plus, keep reading for helpful acappella audition tips!

Student, Johns Hopkins University

Important Lessons for Your First Semester of College Theater

The world of college theater is different than high school productions. Use these lessons on auditions, not giving up, and more to start with confidence.

CollegeXpress Student Writers, Morehead State University

College Audition Do's and Don'ts

Strengthen your college auditions and wow the judges with these tips and tricks!

Student, Woodgrove High School

What Are My Options for Applying to Art School?

If you're planning to study visual or performing arts in college, you have many options. Here's a quick look at them with the help of an admissions expert.


Portfolios, Home Tests, and Other Special Art School Applications

If you're planning on applying to an art or architecture school, be prepared for a few extra requirements along with your typical college application.
