campus tours

36 articles tagged with "campus tours"

Make Your College Visits Fun and Accessible, Not Stressful

You always hear how vital college visits are to finding the right school, but you should also enjoy them! Here's how to make them fun, not overwhelming.

President, Collegewise

10 Things You Should Definitely Do on Every College Visit

If you're putting in the effort to visit colleges before applying, make sure you're taking full advantage of it. Here are 10 things to do on campus tours.

College Search Website

When Should I Visit College Campuses?

Most colleges are open year-round for campus visits, but the time of year you visit will impact what you see. Here's what our experts recommend.

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Top 10 College Visit Tips for a Successful Campus Experience

Going a college is a huge investment, and campus visits are a surefire way to help you make the best choice. Here's some advice on making the most of it.

Former Contributing Editor, Careers and Colleges magazine

What Should I Do If I Can't Visit the Colleges on My List?

It's not always easy to plan and attend campus visits. So what should you do if you can't see your colleges of interest in person? Our experts have answers!

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What Should I Be Looking for During My Campus Visits?

Campus visits are important in determining whether a college is a good fit for you. Here's what you should be looking for during your college tours.

Vice President and Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid

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