dorm life

68 articles tagged with "dorm life"

5 Quick and Easy Tips to Sleep Better in College

The cornerstone of good health is a good night's sleep! Here's how to get the best sleep possible (even if it seems impossible) as a busy college student.

Freelance Writer

10 Things You Should Definitely Not Bring to College

What you should bring to college bring varies from person to person, but what not to bring is fairly consistent across the board. Here's what you should know.

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Southwestern University

10 Things Everyone Forgets to Pack for College

When you're moving into a closet-sized space, under-packing is a common occurrence. Here are 10 things that you should pack for college that a lot of people often forget!

CollegeXpress Student Writer

7 Secrets to Help You Find the Perfect College Roommate

Looking for a new college roommate can be a difficult and overwhelming task, but these seven strategies can help you find the right person to live with.


10 Things You Need to Know How to Do Before Going to College

Transitioning from high school to college can be difficult. Learn how to do these 10 helpful things before your first year to make your life easier!

CollegeXpress Student Writer

10 Daily Actions to Foster a Healthy Lifestyle in College

While the typical college lifestyle isn't always conducive to maintaining healthy habits, these tips can help steer any busy college student in the right direction.

Licensed Dietician and Writer, Walgreens

5 Quick Tips to Make Things Work With Your College Roommate

Living with a roommate can be hard. This college student has tips for fellow students on how to live life and make things work with your new roommate.

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Cornell University

4 Quick and Easy Tips to Break the Ice With Your New Roommate

A new college roommate can be a great opportunity for a new friend or a total nightmare. Here's how to go about getting to know your new college roommate.

CollegeXpress Student Writer, McKendree University

The Benefits of Having a Roommate With a Different Major Than You

You may want a roommate with the same major, but there are benefits to living with someone in a different degree program. Here are a few to consider!

Freelance Writer

10 Things Every College Student Should Own

There's no denying that college can be a bit difficult sometimes. These 10 items can make it easier!

Freelance Writer

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