
7 articles tagged with "packing"

Essential Packing Tips to Make Your College Move Easier

Packing for college can quickly become overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be! Simplify your life with this valuable advice that will save you on move-in day.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

The Quick, Essential Packing List for Studying Abroad

You're in for a wild study abroad adventure, but first you have to finish (read: start) packing. Here's a quick outline to help you out!

Assistant Director of Communications, CollegeXpress

Mistakes First-Year College Students Make (and How to Avoid Them)

Transitioning to college life can be a bit bumpy, and everyone makes mistakes. Here are a few faux pas to avoid to make your first year go more smoothly.

Freelance Writer

5 Things All College Students Should Have in Their Car

When you live on the go like you do in college, there are some things you should always have on hand. Make sure to stock your car with these five essentials.

Freelance Writer

Top 10 Dorm Room Essentials

If you're packing for college, don't forget to throw these dorm room essentials in one of your boxes. (Or make a Target run if you're already moved in.)

CollegeXpress Student Writer

10 Things You Need to Pack for Study Abroad

Your semester abroad is around the corner and you're ready to get packing (literally). Here are 10 essential items you should bring in addition to your everyday necessities.

Freelance Writer

Quick College Packing Advice for International Students

Packing for an international college is more difficult than most trips, especially with pricey shipping costs! Here's a quick packing list to help you plan.

Freelance Writer