study abroad

76 articles tagged with "study abroad"

7 Reasons the United States Should Be Your Study Destination

Considering a US education for university? Check out these seven reasons you should study in the United States.

International Student

Helpful Resources to Pursue an International Education

Completing the international admission process can feel insurmountable, but these popular platforms can help make your dream of studying abroad a reality.

Professional Translator

Good Reasons Why You Don't Want to Study Abroad in Ireland

Hoping to study abroad in college? Be careful if you choose Ireland—you may never want to leave! Here's everything you'll miss when you're back home.

Freelance Writer

Amazing Travel Scholarships and Programs for Students

Want to travel or study abroad before college? These merit and need-based scholarships can help high school students fulfill their desire to explore the world.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

The Best Tips for College Students Traveling Around Europe

Georgia went to Europe last summer, visiting seven countries in three weeks. If you're studying abroad there, her tips might make your trip even better!

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Clemson University

10 Common Study Abroad Problems and How to Solve Them

Studying abroad isn't all fun and games! Here are some common problems you may face, plus simple ways to resolve them to have the best experience possible.

Freelance Writer

Lost in Translation: How to Overcome Language Barriers for Study Abroad

Studying abroad in a country with an unfamiliar language can be fun but scary! Here are some tricks to prepare ahead of time and ease into it while there.

Freelance Writer

10 Things You Need to Pack for Study Abroad

Your semester abroad is around the corner and you're ready to get packing (literally). Here are 10 essential items you should bring in addition to your everyday necessities.

Freelance Writer

5 Unique Locations to Consider for Your Study Abroad Travels

Studying abroad can lead to some of the most unforgettable experiences of your time in college. Explore this list of five unique study abroad locations!

Student-housing Community

Plan Your Study Abroad Adventure With This Simple Timeline

Planning your study abroad experience can be daunting. But this timeline breaks everything down, making the process less overwhelming and a lot simpler.

Freelance Writer

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