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Showing results 21 – 40 of 321 for “stress management”

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7 Ways to Protect Your Mental Health by Managing Stress

High school can be stressful! Here are seven things you can do to keep your mental health in check senior year or anytime during your college search.

by Shivani Ekkanath


Top 3 Smart Tips for Stress–Free Test Prep

Stressed about your tests? That's normal for everyone. Here are three key tips you should be following while preparing for your upcoming exam.

by DebiAnn Daniel


Top Tips for Dealing With College Search Stress

The college search and application process is stressful. Here are some tips from one student who learned how to make their college search a little easier.

by Skyler Rossi


How to Beat Winter Stress Senior Year of High School

The stretch between January and February can be one of the most stressful parts of the high school academic year. These tips can help you stay sane this winter.

by Leman Simpson


Better Time Management in 3 Simple Steps

Putting off another assignment? These techniques can help students battle the bad habit of procrastination to make the most of your precious time.

by Katie E. Warner


Balancing Classwork and Sports as a High School Student

Balancing school and sports takes a lot of time management and planning ahead. Check out these tips to help you get organized as a high school athlete.

by Crystal Hanes


3 Valuable Time Management Strategies for Student–Athletes

Student-athletes have busy schedules, but managing your time doesn’t have to be difficult. Try these three techniques to stay on track with school and sports.

by Katelyn Sanders


Practical Advice for Managing Your Finances Before College

Learning to manage finances in high school will save you stress in college and beyond. Check out this practical financial advice from a fellow student.

by Risha Chaurasia


Top 6 Stress–Busting Study Tips for High School Exams

Almost everyone gets stressed, especially when it comes to taking tests. Here are some ways to reduce test-taking and study stressors for high school exams.

by Shivani Ekkanath


12 Great Ways to Have a Stress–Free College Life

Transitioning from high school to college can be a scary, overwhelming thing to do. Here are 12 ways to make this big life change a bit easier.

by Elise Ingram


Our Best Advice for Homework, Studying, and Tests

Homework, studying, and tests, oh my! There's just so much work to be done, but don't stress. You can make your studies easier by checking out our best advice.

by CollegeXpress


7 Savvy Habits to Help You Become a Highly Effective Student

Want to become a highly effective student with better grades and less stress at school? Check out these seven smart habits you should develop.

by Hunter Maguire


How to Prepare Your College–Bound Student for a Stress–Free Move

College move-in day can be stressful for students and families, but it doesn't have to be with some preparedness. Start planning today with this advice!

by Nancy Zafrani


How to Optimize Your Sleep While Living in a Dorm

Dorm life isn't always conducive to rest. With academic stress and loud roommates, you may be in for a long semester. Improve your sleep with this advice!

by Amanda Winstead


A Proven Path to Success: How to Prepare for Med School Board Exams

Board exams are a crucial milestone in any medical student’s career. Here's a guide to getting great scores with time management and a study routine.

by Hannah Payne


Attending College With a Mental Illness

Attending college with a mental illness adds another level of stress to an exciting time in your life. Here's how to cope and thrive in college despite it!

by Emily Barylske


Our Best Advice for Managing and Saving Your Money as a Student

Money management is a skill all students need for adult life someday. Start learning now with all our best advice on tracking finances and saving cash.

by CollegeXpress


How to Handle Common Stressors as a University–Bound International Student

International students face a unique set of challenges in their university search. Stay on track and stress-free with this advice from a real student.

by Oluwafeolami Awe-Joseph


How Parents Can Help Their Teens Tackle Back–to–School Avoidance

Some students stress about school before it even starts, leading to a lot of missed days. Here's how to tackle back-to-school anxiety with your teen.

by Dr. Douglas Newton


Our Best Advice for Your First Year of High School

It's your first year of high school! To help you adjust to ninth grade, read our best advice on getting involved, improving your time management, and more.

by CollegeXpress