
17 articles tagged with "anxiety"

Understanding the Psychology Behind Your Education for a Better Student Life

When you better understand how your mind works, you can take better care of it. Learn how your mental health affects your education and when to seek help.

Freelance Writer

An Honest Mental Health Review and Student Resources for Success

We surveyed 600+ students about mental health and their access to assistance at school. Here's an infographic of what we found, plus resources to share.


How to Recognize and Cope With Anxiety as a Student

It's tough to cope with your anxiety when it crops up and you have a busy student life to keep up with. Here are some do's and don'ts to get through it.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

How Parents Can Help Their Teens Tackle Back-to-School Avoidance

Some students stress about school before it even starts, leading to a lot of missed days. Here's how to tackle back-to-school anxiety with your teen.

Chief Medical Officer, SonderMind

Working Out Your Mental Health: 3 Benefits of Regular Exercise for Students

Enhance your mental health as a student with exercise! Here's a look at why it's important and how working out improves your mental health.

Author and Digital Marketing Specialist

What Can I Do If I’m Feeling Nervous About My SAT Test Date?

SAT anxiety is completely normal, but you can control any testing situation with a few simple tricks. Calm yourself with these expert test prep secrets!

by and

Our Best Advice for Dealing With Stress as a Student

Being a student is stressful no matter who you are. Need help getting through it all? Take a look at all our best advice on stress management right here.


Great Mental Health Habits for Students to Establish

Students should always strive to continue to find and employ long-lasting positive mental health habits. Here are some ideas for you!

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Chile

The 3 R's of Overcoming Test Anxiety

Preparing for high-stakes exams such as the SAT or ACT can be stressful, but with a few simple steps, you can transform your stress into a useful motivator.

Medical Practitioner and Content Author, Academic Medical Associates and UWorld

4 Mindful Ways to Combat Your Test-Taking Anxiety

Academic test-taking can be super stressful! Take a few thoughtful steps to make yourself more comfortable and at ease for less stress and a better grade.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

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