Two young men smiling on waterfront with city skyline, sailboat in background

Great Mental Health Habits for Students to Establish

Students should always strive to continue to find and employ long-lasting positive mental health habits. Here are some ideas for you!

For the past few years, we’ve been living our lives carrying the impact of the pandemic. The pandemic created a different approach to learning and keeping up with friends. A different approach to values. Because of the isolation, uncertainty, and lack of control and then the sudden thrust back into overstimulation, uncertainty, and lack of control in public, students have recognized more symptoms of mental health issues like anxiety and depression than ever before. Luckily, we have some tips to share to take better care of your mental health!

Recognize how you feel

The initial step to taking care of your mental health is to recognize how you’re feeling. Right now, it’s especially easy to feel angry, sad, or anxious, which is why having a clearer idea of what your body is undergoing will help you figure out a way to ease into a healthy response. This might even be the most important tip on this list, as you can’t improve your mental health without first recognizing that you’re struggling. Don’t worry! You don’t need to map out your emotions to the core, but sometimes just allowing yourself to recognize how you feel can go a long way in helping you figure out how to take care of yourself. Being mindful of your emotions going forward will enlighten you to patterns in your behavior linked to stress or anxiety. Knowing these will help you develop a healthy response to them, plus effective coping mechanisms.

Learn to take a break

It’s become a challenge for students to separate our school and personal lives during the pandemic. Under “normal” circumstances, our personal life is spent at home, doing extracurricular activities, and meeting up with friends, and our school lives are spent in classrooms. For many students, said activities have all been done within the same four walls: your home. The fine line between work and rest time can become a struggle to maintain, inducing stress as a result. The failed separation leads us to figure out proper breaks to stay mentally fit. Free time spent on your phone or computer in the same position and location you were in school isn’t the healthiest. Try to take breaks that allow you to clear your mind and take on recreational activities. Going for walks, drawing, reading, listening to music, and baking are all activities that don’t require a screen and allow you to reflect on your day and feelings. Find activities that suit you as a person and complement your response to stress. Trying new hobbies might help you find a recreational break for proper and healthy relaxation time.

Related: A General Guide to Mental Health Awareness for Students

Decide your media exposure

Our current lives are almost fully dependent on our screens. We spent countless hours doing school and homework with computers or relaxing with Netflix (often while still on our phones). We spend numerous hours a day scrolling through social media accounts and paying attention to other people's lives. For starters, social media can be both a positive or negative experience, mostly as a product of the people you follow and their content. What you consume visually on social media can impact the way you see life and even yourself. Try to avoid overexposure to accounts and content creators whose messages are negative or don't align with your own ideas. Instead, look for positive and cheerful creators that line up with your own values and might help you stay on a positive track.

Related: The Balancing Act of Social Media

Look for an outlet

Looking for a healthy way to release built-up anxiety or emotions is a great way to clear your mind. All the stress of how the world has been lately is a lot to take on, so take a step back and look for a positive outlet to stay mindful of your emotions. Your goal is to express your feelings in a safe way, avoiding pent-up stress or anxiety. Mindful outlets can vary tremendously, but some options include writing down your thoughts, meditating, practicing yoga, or listening to music. Find a space and activity that grants you the ability to reflect and grow. This could be crucial, as it may help you recognize how you really feel and help guide you to a healthier response to your feelings, both mind and body.

Related: Working Out Your Mental Health: 3 Benefits of Regular Exercise for Students

While life seems to consistently keep challenging our mental health since way back in 2020, it’s important to view every new step and change as a time for growth. Small actions in your daily routine can help you gain balance and stay grounded. Slowly taking care of yourself and adding certain elements we suggested into your day-to-day life will hopefully lead to the beginning of a healthier mindset, lifestyle, and year. Remember to take one day at a time and acknowledge that mental health issues are nothing to be ashamed of.

If you need more help with anything at all, CollegeXpress is here for you. Start by utilizing the resources in Our Best Advice for Dealing With Stress as a Student.

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About Pilar Zapata Thompson

Pilar Zapata Thompson is a Chilean high school student who's passionate about neuroscience, psychology, and health. She dedicates large portions of her time to sports, hiking, her dog, and volunteering as a tutor. Her love for books and learning is what drives her to hopefully study abroad and major in Neuroscience & Behavior.



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