high school academics

115 articles tagged with "high school academics"

How to Combat Sleep Deprivation for Better Academic Success

Sleep deprivation and insomnia are no joke. If you're a student struggling with academics because of sleep, here are some tips to adjust your habits.

Freelance Writer

How to Choose Between Pre-College Credit Courses

There are many ways to challenge yourself before college, including AP or dual enrollment courses. Here's how to choose between these demanding programs.

Certified Educational Planner, TransferSavvy.com

6 Ways to Develop Critical Analysis Skills for the Classroom

Critical thinking and analysis are skills you'll use throughout your life. Here’s how to hone them to improve your academic and professional experience.

Managing Editor, Classrooms.com

Is Attending a Virtual Academic Summer Camp a Good Option?

Virtual academic camps exploded in popularity after the pandemic, but is it the right path for you and your academic goals? This expert has some advice.

College Counselor and Tutor, Moon Prep

How Important Are Senior Year Grades to College Admission?

It's tempting to slack off the second half of senior year, but experts say your spring semester grades are more important than you think. Learn why here!


Making Time for Things You Love: How to Mix Schoolwork With Your Passions

Blending your interests with your schoolwork makes life as a student a lot more enjoyable! Here’s how to mix some fun into all your responsibilities.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

Academic Ethics: How to Avoid Plagiarism and Cheating

Academic dishonesty doesn't just hurt you now—it can affect you long into the future. Let's explore the ethics of academics and how to avoid cheating.

Managing Editor, Classrooms.com

3 Amazing Benefits of Becoming an Academic Tutor

Looking for a way to help other students, improve your own skills, and maybe even make some money at the same time? Consider becoming an academic tutor!

CollegeXpress Student Writer

How to Successfully Prepare for Mid-Year Exams in High School

Worried about midterm exams? You’ll be fully prepared to ace your tests with these six tips from a real high school student’s study playbook!

CollegeXpress Student Writer

4 Unique Study Techniques for When the Usual Tricks Fail You

Sometimes it takes some creativity to get out of a study rut! Try these four unconventional methods to make studying a little fun and a lot more effective.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

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