Is Chapel Required for All Students at Christian Colleges?
Christian colleges have some different requirements of their students than other colleges. Here's some expert advice on what's expected for chapel services. read more
Do you have a question about the admission process, financial aid, or college in general? Chances are someone else does too! That's why we've found experts from every corner of higher education to answer them for you, from admission officers to college consultants to financial advisors and more. Browse by our most recent questions or your category of interest. And if your question isn't listed, feel free to contact us.
Is Chapel Required for All Students at Christian Colleges?Christian colleges have some different requirements of their students than other colleges. Here's some expert advice on what's expected for chapel services. read more |
What Are Historically Black Colleges and Universities?HBCU stands for Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Learn a little more about these important schools here! read more |
How Can I Best Prepare for College Midterms and Finals?College midterms and final exams can be tough! But there are ways successful students get through it all. See what our experts have to say on the subject. read more |
How Does Real Life in College Differ From the Movies?It's easy to think your college experience is going to be just like what you see in the movies, but the reality is pretty different. Here's what to expect. read more |
What Are My Options for Applying to Art School?If you're planning to study visual or performing arts in college, you have many options. Here's a quick look at them with the help of an admissions expert. read more |
How Can I Be a Strong Candidate for a BS/MD Program?Students wanting to attend med school have a lot of competition to go up against. Here's some great expert advice on preparing early to make yourself stand out. read more |
Should I Recommend International Universities to My American Students?Should your adventurous students say "see ya later!" to the US and consider applying to college in another country? One expert weighs the pros and cons. read more |
How Can I Get Colleges to Recruit Me for Sports?While you can't guarantee your spot on the team, there are some things you can do to help your case. Here are some tips for getting recruited. read more |
What's the Difference Between Intramural and Club Sports?College has more than just collegiate-level opportunities to play sports, but what's the difference between intramural and club? Our experts have the answer! read more |
What College Resources Should LD Students Use?The college search can be difficult, and LD students face some extra hurdles. Our experts have some suggestions for college search resources for LD students. read more |
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