college life

87 articles tagged with "college life"

What Are Living-Learning Communities All About?

Living-Learning Communities (LLCs) let students have specialized experiences and make connections on campus. Learn more about this dorm option now!

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Anderson University

What Life Is Really Like at a Big Public University

There are many types of schools to consider in your college search: large, small, public, private, etc. Here's what it's like to attend a big public university.

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Florida State University

9 of the Best College Jobs for Artistic Students

If you're going to college and find yourself in need of a job, don't fret! There's plenty of work out there that won't stifle your artistic expression.

General Manager, The Grove at Auburn

A Natural Choice: The Best College Clubs and Activities for Nature Lovers

Ah, the great outdoors! Did you know there are college programs and clubs for that? Here's a look at outdoorsy options and how to find them on campus.

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Florida State University

COVID-19 College Life: Climbing Uphill in 2020

We're all continuing to struggle with the uphill battle that is the 2020 pandemic. Here are some tips and reminders to keep you going as we close out the year.

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Oklahoma City University

3 Good Reasons You Should Never Skip Class

Skipping class may be tempting when you want to sleep in or hang with friends instead, but we have three really solid reasons why you should ignore the temptation and go to class.

Freelance Writer

Video: What to Expect When Entering College

The college journey can often feel like an expectation vs. reality meme. Get prepared for freshman year by learning what to expect from vlogger Jordan-Paige.


Graduating College Early: Is It in Your Best Interest?

Some schools encourage students to finish their degrees early if possible, but is graduating early in your best interest? Here are some things to consider.

CollegeXpress Student Writer, University of Houston

College in a Post-COVID-19 World: Counselor Q&A

Get more insight on higher education changes during the coronavirus pandemic with another Q&A session from one of the CollegeXpress community's college planning experts.

Co-founder & President, One-Stop College Counseling

5 Simple Ways to Overcome Homesickness

Homesickness is common for many college students, but don't get lost in it. Here's some advice for coping with missing home.

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Loyola University New Orleans

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