108 articles tagged with "COVID-19"

COVID-19: Leaving College vs. Financial Obligations

You may be considering taking a break from college due to the pandemic, but before you decide, here's a look at your options and the financial implications.

Content Marketer,

Lessons From Applying to College During a Pandemic

The pandemic altered college admission planning for many students across the country. Here's a look at what one student learned throughout the process in 2020.

Student; Creator, The Money Ed Podcast Series

Connect With School Counselors During COVID-19

Students should connect and engage with their counselors during this hard time--about anything! Here's why and how to reach out about important topics.

Senior Assistant Editor, CollegeXpress

Pandemic Problems: Resources to Share With Students

The pandemic hasn't been easy on counselors or students. Here's a comprehensive list of resources to combat the struggles you and your students are facing.


The Most Important Thing to Do in Remote Learning

There's one simple thing you can do during remote learning to set yourself up for success: turn your camera on! Read on to see why it's so important.

Independent Educational Consultant and Partner, College Connectors

How Will COVID-19 Impact the College Admission Process?

The question of the year: How is COVID-19 going to change? Fill in the blank. Luckily, our experts have answers to how it's changing college admission.


6 Tips for Dealing With Distractions in Online Classes

Staying focused during online classes is a lot different than focusing during in-person instruction. Here are six great tips to keep you on track.

Writer & Editor-in-Chief,

8 Tips for Starting the New Year With a Positive Mindset

This year has been a long one, and with a new year on the horizon, we're all due for a reset and refresh. Here's how to start out 2021 with a positive mindset.

Education Writer

Debunking 4 SAT, ACT, and Remote Learning Myths

COVID-19 has changed education, but it doesn't mean what you've heard about remote learning and standardized tests is true. You can disregard these myths!

Content Director, UWorld

How to Boost Your Extracurriculars During COVID-19

How can high schoolers participate in extracurricular activities and prepare for college in the middle of a pandemic? Read advice from a real student here!

CollegeXpress Student Writer

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