high school

56 articles tagged with "high school"

How to Survive Junior Year

Junior year is often called the hardest year of high school. So you know what to expect and to make things a little easier, here are some tips on how to balance everything out.

High School Student

6 Fail-Safe Ways to Flunk Your High School Classes

Bringing your grades back up is a lot harder than letting them tank, so don't fall into any of these sure-fire traps to fail your high school classes.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

How to Avoid the Dreaded Sophomore Slump in High School

You survived freshman year, and college is a ways off, so you can take it easy as a sophomore, right? Wrong! Here's what you should be doing this year.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

8 Tips to Help You Combat Senioritis Before It Starts

Senioritis is the ailment that eventually plagues all high school students. Take the initiative to employ these eight tips for a great and productive year.

CollegeXpress Student Writer; Former Writer and Senior Editor, CollegeXpress

How Does Bullying Change From High School to College?

Bullying happens in high school, but what about college? Here's some expert advice on how these behaviors may change from one academic setting to another.


Why It's a Good Idea to Pursue a Unique Summer Program

Looking to stand out from the crowd in the college admission process? Try a pre-college summer program! Here's how they can help improve your chances.

Former Editor, Porter Sargent Handbooks

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