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Songs to Get You Pumped for a Test

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  • "Cherub Rock" (Smashing Pumpkins): Why? Starts slowly, builds up and then kicks in like a Saturn 5 rocket launch. A great mix of ethereal guitar over a pumping rock beat, haunting vocals and a kick-butt guitar solo is enough to keep you motivated and focused on the task at hand.
  • "Song 2" (Blur): Why? You just cannot sit still while this song is playing. A great psych-up song pre-test or before an athletic event. "Woo Hoo" has to be one of the best lyrics in a rock song ever!
  • "Bohemian Rhapsody" (Queen): Why? Famous for its amazing head-banging Wayne's World moment, there is something about this song that just starts to build you up with energy. What with the guitar solo and Freddie Mercury's vocals ranging from high to low, you can't help but want to just go.
  • "Defying Gravity" (Idina Menzel): Why? Tough yet sensitive green chick stands up to the "the system" in a righteous Broadway ballad. Sure, it's a tune for us theater geeks out there, but you can't help but feel pumped when she starts wailing at the end.
  • "It's Raining Men" (The Weather Girls ): Why? When I was a kid I used to take dance lessons and one year at my dance recital some of the other girls performed to this song. I was immediately envious that I wasn't in that number because they wore really cool trench coats as their costume, had the stage lights flashing on and off as lightening, and the song was so energetic. To this day, whenever I hear it, I blast it as loud as possible.
  • "Jump Around" (House of Pain): Why? Other than the fact that this song is legendary, the old school beat is just what you need to transform yourself from "blah" to bouncing. And don't worry: if your brain is in a funk from all that studying, the song includes very basic instructions: "Jump. Jump. Jump. Jump."
  • "Lose Yourself" (Eminem): Why? If you need inspiration for that big test this is the song to put it into perspective. The lyrics capture it perfectly. "The moment, you own it, you better never let it go. You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow. This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo!"
  • "Viva la Vida" (Coldplay): Why? It's one of those songs that no one quite knows all the words to, but it feels so good to belt it out at the top of your lungs. It inspires the kind of world-conquering confidence that will help you annihilate even the toughest of tests.
  • "Waka Waka, This Time for Africa" (Shakira): Why? The anthem for the 2010 FIFA World Cup, complete with Vuvuzela-esque intro, is catchy, uplifting, and makes you feel like you can take on the world--or at least La Roja.
  • "You're the Best" (Joe Esposito): Why? Karate Kid montage. 'Nuff said.

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About This List

We know musical tastes differ like crazy, but we wanted to share some songs that are like RedBull for our ears. The songs that we knew would guarantee the A--or at least a B+. From the CollegeXpress team, here are our personal recommendations for songs that will get you psyched for that test!

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