The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas

Dallas, TX

The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas

Dallas, TX

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Tuition & Fees

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Test Scores

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Not Reported

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Student Enrollment
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School Facts

University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, founded in 1943, is a public university. Programs are offered through the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Southwestern School of Health Professions, and the Southwestern Medical School. Its 98-acre main campus is located three miles north of downtown Dallas.

Official website Visit website
Application link Apply online
Public/private Public
Campus enrollment 2,354
Established in 1943
Coeducational Coeducational
Religious affiliation Other

Social Networks

150-acre, urban campus in Dallas (population: 1,341,075). Served by air, bus, and train. Public transportation serves campus.

  • Campus Setting: Major city

The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
5323 Harry Hines Boulevard
Dallas, TX

Campus Life

Housing available
Students are not required to live in school housing
Students may have cars on campus
Alcohol is not permitted on campus to students of legal age

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Test Scores

Average freshman score by percentile.

Not Reported

Not Reported

Admissions Facts

Admissions interview (required or recommended) Uknown


Not Reported

Admissions Factors

Neither required nor recommended

Secondary School GPA
Secondary School Rank
Secondary School Record
Completion of college-preparatory program
Other Test (Wonderlic, WISC-III, etc.)
Formal demonstration of competencies
Admission test scores
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)

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Counseling services

Not reported

Remedial services offered

Not reported

Career placement services

Not Reported

Percent of the campus accessible to physically disabled students

Not Reported

Additional services

Not Reported

Special programs for physically disabled students

Not Reported

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Assc. Bach. Mast. Doct.
Biochemistry yes yes
Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering yes yes
Biophysics yes
Cell/Cellular and Molecular Biology yes yes
Clinical Nutrition/Nutritionist yes
Clinical Psychology yes yes
Human/Medical Genetics yes yes
Immunology yes yes
Medical Radiologic Technology/Science - Radiation Therapist yes
Medical Science/Scientist yes yes
Microbiology, General yes yes
Molecular Biophysics yes yes
Neuroscience yes yes
Oncology and Cancer Biology yes yes
Organic Chemistry yes yes
Orthotist/Prosthetist yes
Physician Associate/Assistant yes
Physiology, General yes yes
Radiation Biology/Radiobiology yes yes

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Programs Offered

  • Pass/fail grading option

Transfer Enrollment

Not Reported

Transfer applicants enrolled

Not Reported

Students are transfer students

Transfer Requirements

Minimum requirements College GPA: 2.00
High school transcript Not Required/Recommended
College transcript(s) Required of All
Essay or personal statement Required of All
Interview Required of All
Standardized test scores Not Required/Recommended
Statement of good standing from prior institution(s) Not Required/Recommended

Transfer Application Deadline

Not reported

Transfer Credits

Minimum transfers must complete


semester hours

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