choosing a major

69 articles tagged with "choosing a major"

How to Create Your Own College Major, Step-by-Step

Can't find the right major for college? Interested in creating your own? Here's everything you need to know to make your individualized major a reality.

Vice President of Enrollment Management, Community College of Allegheny County

Applying to Theater Schools: What You Need to Know

Finding the right theater program and auditioning can be a little intimidating. Here's what you should know before applying to performing arts schools.

Freelance Writer

Can I Study Science at a Liberal Arts College?

Science and engineering hopefuls may be wondering what kind of college to attend. Here's some expert advice on if liberal arts colleges are the way to go.

by , and

A Helpful Guide to Choosing Your STEM Field and Major

With so many STEM majors and subfields, it's hard to decide what to study in college. This breakdown of the options will help you find what's best for you.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

Top Careers for Students Who Want to Make a Difference

Looking for a major and career path that will allow you to help others? Consider these life-changing fields for your academic and career journey.

Freelance Writer

3 Great Career Options for History Majors

Majoring in History can lead to some fascinating and exciting career options. Take a look at three major career paths you could take with your history degree.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

The Pros and Cons of Declaring a Major on Your College Applications

What does declaring your major on your college applications mean and, more importantly, should you do it? Let's look at the pros and cons of declaring or not.

Freelance Writer

How to Use Your Potential Major to Guide the College Search

Many factors go into finding the right college, from location to scholarships to sports. Where does your major fit in? Here's how it impacts your search.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

How to Change Your College Major, Step-By-Step

It's hard to admit you didn't choose the right major the first time, but we've got student and expert advice to help you make a better choice this time.

by and
CollegeXpress Student Writer; Director of Communications, Commonwealth School

How Should I Start Exploring My College Major Options?

So many career fields! What do you do? Here's some quick advice from our very own experts on exploring all your options for college majors.


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