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Showing results 41 – 60 of 510 for “Ask the Experts”

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What Is the Common Application?

Students have probably heard about the Common Application before, but what exactly is it? And should you be using it for college? Our experts have the answer.

by Sara Lindberg


Should I Go to College If I'm Not Sure About It?

Is college right for you? Although we'd like to say it's right for everyone, that's not always true. These college experts weigh in to help you decide.

by William T. Conley; Karen P. Condeni; Cyndy McDonald; Joan Isaac Mohr


How Many Extracurriculars Should I Participate in to Impress Colleges?

Turns out you don't need to join nine clubs to stand out to colleges! Our experts explain why you shouldn't stretch yourself thin when it comes to activities.

by Laurie Kopp Weingarten; Jim Terhune


When Should I Start Thinking About College?

The experts weigh in on when high school students should start thinking about college (and when to begin their college search!).

by Rhiannon Schade; Michael Milone, PhD; K. Patricia Aviezer, MS


How Do I Choose Between Very Different Majors?

You may have a few ideas of what you want to academically pursue in college, but how do you make a choice between them all? Our experts have some advice.

by Charlotte M. Klaar, PhD; Nathan Mannetter


What's the Difference Between Intramural and Club Sports?

College has more than just collegiate-level opportunities to play sports, but what's the difference between intramural and club? Our experts have the answer!

by Paul Dorn


How Will COVID–19 Impact the College Admission Process?

The question of the year: How is COVID-19 going to change? Fill in the blank. Luckily, our experts have answers to how it's changing college admission.

by Francesca Morrissey


What College Resources Should LD Students Use?

The college search can be difficult, and LD students face some extra hurdles. Our experts have some suggestions for college search resources for LD students.

by Eileen Antalek, EdD


5 Questions to Ask During Your Catholic College Search

As a Catholic student, you're likely figuring out how much you want your faith to factor into your college search. Here are five questions to guide you!

by CollegeXpress


What's the Difference Between a Community and State College?

You may have heard the terms community college and state school thrown around, but what's the difference between the two? Our experts have the answers you need.

by Rodney Morrison; Cyndy McDonald


What Are the Top Skills I Need to Major in Analytics?

Interested in becoming a business analytics professional? There's more to it than number crunching. Here are some skills our experts recommend picking up.

by Dr. Melissa R. Bowers; Dr. Ken Gilbert


How Can I Help Students With Financial Aid?

Helping students and families with financial aid is a big part of college counseling. Our experts have some advice on how to help them through the process.

by Charlotte M. Klaar, PhD; Sandra E. Clifton; Heather Johnson


What Are the Benefits to Majoring in Pharmacy in College?

Pharmaceuticals are a major part of our lives! If you're considering pursuing this path, our experts are sharing the benefits of this respected career.

by John Jones


What Are My Options for Applying to Art School?

If you are planning to study visual or performing arts in college, you have many options. Here's a look at them with the help of one of our experts.

by Sue Gandy


What College App Mistakes Should Students Avoid?

Students often worry about mistakes on their college applications affecting admission. Here are common things that experts suggest to look out for.

by John Chopka; CollegeXpress


What Different Specialty Nursing Career Paths Are There?

There are three particular nursing health specialties that aspiring nurses should consider. Read on to learn from one of our experts about these roles.

by Marty Witrak, PhD, RN, FAAN


How Do I Start the Internship Search and Who Can Help?

Wondering where you can find an internship or who can help you along the way? Check out all the great advice from our college internship experts!

by Donald K. Sherman; Nancy A. Shenker; Bill Coplin


The Ultimate Guide to College Admission Questions

Admission counselors are some of the most helpful people along the college process. Ask these questions to optimize your interactions with them.

by Phoebe Bain


Should I Ace Easy Classes or Push Myself in Hard Ones?

Is it smarter to take easy classes to boost your GPA or challenge yourself but risk lower grades in harder classes? Our experts have the answer!

by Erich Endlich, PhD; Mary E. Chase


When Should My Teen Start Their College Search?

There isn't a specific time students have to start the college search, but our experts have advice for parents on when and how their students can be planning.

by Charlotte M. Klaar, PhD; Kelli Dolan