Hand writing in open planner next to sticky note and box of paperclips

Why Every College Student Should Keep a Planner

Keeping up with classes, a social life, and extracurricular activities can be overwhelming in college. Here's why you should keep a planner to track it all.

Keeping up with your classes, a social life, and extracurricular activities can overwhelm anyone, especially in college. It definitely overwhelmed me freshman year, and I ended up dropping several activities that I would have otherwise enjoyed. A quick fix to this is to simply keep up with a planner or agenda. People often try and replace a planner with their phone or laptop, but there is something about physically writing things down that does wonders for remembering important events.

It'll keep you organized and consistent

A huge problem with being organized isn’t starting a planner, but sticking with it. Staying organized is key when trying to keep up with the billion things you’re doing at school. One way to motivate yourself to stay organized is to make writing in your agenda fun. Use stickers and colorful pens to organize your planner; you can use a different color for extracurricular activities, tests, parties, you name it. Stickers can be used to give yourself a little treat at the end of the week—maybe an ice-cream sticker to treat yourself to a soft serve after a huge test.

Related: 6 Great College Organization Tips From a Type A+ Student

It'll help you remember everything

Write down everything no matter how insignificant it seems; writing it down helps in case you forget, even if you think you won't. You’d be surprised how often you use your planner once you start writing down grocery lists and birthday reminders. Even if you know you have a meeting every Monday at 4:00 pm, write it down anyway. Things slip in your memory when you get involved in too many things at once. Plus, you'll be amazed at how less stressed you are when you aren't trying to retain all that information in your mind. Have you ever suddenly gotten anxiety because you feel like you've forgetten something but can't put your finger on what? Or you have you ever not been able to focus on a task at hand because you keep running through your end-of-week plans in your head so you won't forget? Take all that stress away by just writing it down. 

You'll have more time for fun

You might think that keeping a planner and organizing every second of your life will stifle your spontaneity or creativity. But in reality, it will enforce it. By keeping organized and on track with your life, you’ll find that you have time to be spontaneous and go out for some Dairy Queen at 2:00 am. You’ll no longer have to choose between going out with your friends on a Saturday night or acing that physics exam you have the next week because you're so organized and prepared. It's literally the best of both worlds.

Related: Where and How to Find Free Events in College

Planners are a way to take control in a world that can seem out of your control in every other way. Take charge of your busy schedule and quit blaming your procrastination methods on having too much work. If half the time and energy you spend juggling a typical week in college is spent on keeping a planner, your life will become significantly easier. Good luck and happy planning!

We have so much content on “time management” and “organization” that you’ll never miss an important assignment or event again. Check it out!

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About Tia Nanjappan

Tia Nanjappan is a journalism major currently attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Go Tar Heels!). She likes to be in the know about the world and thus is planning on pursuing a career in news reporting. When she is not reading up on current events, Tia can be found drinking coffee, trying to learn a new language, or shopping online.


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