A variety of blue school supplies with paper saying are you ready for examsa

The 5 Best Ways to Handle AP Exam Stress

AP exams will be here before you know it. And that means stress! Here are some ways to maintain your sanity while preparing for and taking your AP exams.

The College Board states that AP classes aid high schoolers in achieving their college dreams by allowing them to stand out on their college applications, earn credits, and gain the skills necessary for students to succeed in their college careers.  However, even the benefits of AP classes can’t change one thing: May sucks. The month of May is easily the most stressful part of any student’s year; it’s the end of school, there are projects you totally forgot about until right now, grades that are right there, and final exams just around the corner. For AP students, May also means taking a test—maybe even several tests—you’ve prepared all year for. The added pressure to perform well on these exams can cause a lot of stress. So if you’re feeling particularly burned out by the AP exams this year, here are some tips to handle that stress.

1. Get some sleep

I know, I know—getting more sleep is the most clichéd advice. But that’s for a good reason. Sleep is a natural stress reducer. SleepScore Labs asserts that sleep “calms and restores the body, improves concentration, regulates mood, and sharpens judgment and decision-making.” They also say that sleep makes it easier for you to handle stress. So make sure you’re getting your full eight hours before exams.

Related: Top Sleep Hygiene Advice for Tired Students

2. Make a plan

Letting stressful thoughts run around in your head only creates more stress. Instead of fretting over all you need to do, come up with a concise plan to prepare for exams. Break it down in a way that works for you—do you want to plan by the week, day, or objective? And after you create your map to success, stick with it instead of leaving it all until the day before your test(s). 

3. Make time for yourself

Overloading yourself with practice tests and study groups isn’t the solution to alleviating AP exam stress. No matter how prepared you are or how precise your study plan is, you need to take care of yourself. Balance study time with self-care time. Get your nails done, take a bath, play some basketball—whatever self-care means to you, make sure it happens during May.

Related: 8 Healthy Stress Management Tips for Students

4. Meditate

People who meditate often get a bad rap: you’re a tree-hugger, a hippie, or a monk. But in reality, you don’t need to be any of these things to meditate. Meditation is a great way to hit pause on stressful thoughts and gives you an opportunity to take a breath. Before AP exams, make time in your day to sit down and unwind with some breathing exercises or guided meditation. If you’re interested in learning more about meditation, Headspace offers a good beginner’s guide.

5. Don’t focus on the score

Everyone wants a 5; it’s the highest score on any AP exam and looks amazing on your college applications. However, in the days leading up to the exams, it’s important not to prioritize getting a perfect grade. Instead of being set on receiving a 5, make your goal to feel prepared and satisfied with how you perform the day of the exam.

Related: Advanced Placement Test Scores: How Will They Affect Your College Admission?

The AP exams will always cause stress. But by getting yourself to bed, creating a study plan, carving out time for self-care, meditating, and redefining your goals, you can enter AP testing calmly and prepared.

Need more studying advice? Check out the blogs and articles in our Test Prep section to find tips for AP tests, the SAT, the ACT, and more.

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About Katie Grierson

Katie Grierson

Katie Grierson is a high school student from Nevada. Her hobbies include finding ways to write in between classes and cuddling with her cat. Her writing has been recognized by the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, and she has aided in the publication of the Believer magazine. You can probably catch her re-reading Pride and Prejudice.


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