Feeling Burnt Out? 5 Steps to Get Back on Track

You should never work yourself to burnout! It's not healthy. If you feel like you're in a rut, here are five ways to fight burnout and work your way out of it.

Teens are constantly pushing themselves in academics, athletics, and extracurriculars. They expend all this energy, leaving them drained. This exhaustion can erase the passion and drive to do their work, even with topics that they once enjoyed. But even when you find yourself in a rut, there are ways to deal with it and work your way out.

1. Find the source

There are myriad reasons why you could be feeling burned out. Often, it’s more than just one thing—there could be strain on personal relationships, overworking, overextending, or a lack of sleep, just to name a few possibilities. Identifying what it is that is using most of your energy is the first step to dealing with it.

Related: How to Avoid Burnout During College Application Season

2. Don’t get frustrated

It’s easy to want to give up when you aren’t feeling inspired—I know I have felt that way before. But you shouldn’t let yourself get so wrapped up in feeling down, because that will only extend your rut. Try to keep going through your routine and getting work done. You will be grateful you were still producing afterward, even if it wasn’t your best work.

3. Practice self-care

It’s important to take care of yourself even more when you are feeling flat, because allowing yourself to relax can help fight that burnout. Self-care isn’t just facemasks, spa days, and chocolate (although those things are great!). It’s staying hydrated, eating balanced meals, and doing whatever you need to relieve your stress, whether that’s exercise, resting, or talking with friends. Find a way to prioritize you.

Related: How to Take Care of Yourself in College

4. Learn to say “no”

Part of the reason you might be fighting burnout is because you are taking on too much. Not everything is your responsibility, and you don’t have enough energy to do it all even if it is. It’s okay to say no if you think you can’t do it—no one will be disappointed if you do. You aren’t letting anyone down by prioritizing one task over another or, more importantly, your mental health. In fact, it may lead to a better product in the end because you aren’t overextending yourself.

5. Talk to someone

Your friends are there to support you. They want to be there to celebrate your good times and help you through your bad. If you aren’t feeling motivated, talk to them. See if they can help you figure out why. And if this lasts more than a couple of weeks, it might be a good idea to tell an adult.

Related: Mental Health: What Is It and How You Can Find Help

Burnout is a real problem, but it’s not something you should be ashamed of. Everyone deals with it at some point in their life—it’s just important that you deal with it in a healthy way.

Find more helpful advice for burnout, anxiety, and stress by using the tag “mental health.”

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About Zia Sampson

Zia Sampson

I am currently a first-year student at Loyola University New Orleans, where I'm majoring in Mass Communications, both Strategic Communications and Journalism, and minoring in Sociology. I'm in the University Honors Program and the Social Justice Scholars Program. In my free time, I like to watch Netflix, sleep, and read. I am a big animal lover, with four cats and two dogs, and I have two older brothers and a twin sister. You can follow me on Twitter @ZiaSampson.


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