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How to Combat Sleep Deprivation for Better Academic Success
Sleep deprivation and insomnia are no joke. If you're a student struggling with academics because of sleep, here are some tips to adjust your habits.
What You Need to Know About Graduating College Early
If you want to graduate from college early, it will be a lot of work, but it's often worth the effort. Here's how and why to pursue this accelerated path.
How to Choose Between Pre-College Credit Courses
There are many ways to challenge yourself before college, including AP or dual enrollment courses. Here's how to choose between these demanding programs.
Dollars and Devices: How to Make Tech Work on Your Student Budget
Good technology can feel out of reach for many college students. But with smart planning, you can stay on budget and get the best tech for your education.
How to Navigate Virtual Classrooms and Digital Learning as a Student
Digital education is constantly changing, and students have no choice but to keep up. Learn how to enhance learning with virtual reality, AI, and more.
Majoring in Architecture: Learn How to Build a Great Future
Architecture may not be a common degree to pursue—but it's rewarding! Here's what to know about considering a major in this field and how to get admitted.
Our Best Advice for Choosing a College Major
Ready to explore different academic fields? Declare a major? Change your major? Create your own? Here's everything you need to know about college majors!
7 of the Best Study Methods for Finals Week
Making a plan will help you succeed on all your tests in high school or college. Start with these tried-and-true study techniques for different subjects!
Helpful Tips for Better Attention and Focus in the Classroom
We all struggle to focus sometimes—students especially. Whether you're in high school or college, use these tips to stay attentive and learn more in class.
5 of the Best College Classes for Students Who Love to Write
Can’t get enough of putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard)? Check out these five college course options that let you show off your writing skills!
Cultivating a Growth Mindset: How to Embrace Your Unique Creative Abilities
Life is about consistent growth, but it doesn't happen passively. Here's how to cultivate a growth mindset for an active role in your academic evolution.
4 Good and 3 Bad Reasons to Change Your College Major
There are some good and bad reasons to switch your college major. Do any of these common scenarios apply to you? Here's some advice, plus questions to ask!
Our Best Advice on Building Important Skills as a Student
Building important life and career skills will help you succeed in college and beyond. Here's all the advice you need on developing these valuable skills!
How High School Students Can Pursue an Interest in Law
Law school is a long road that may seem far away for high school students, but there’s a lot you can do to foster this interest now. Learn more here!
How to Pick a College Major: Narrowing Down a Big List
How do you get from having too many major options to finding your best fit? A student offers his best advice on searching for a major and career path.
10 Great Academic and Professional Groups for Women
In honor of Women’s History Month, check out some organizations young women can join in high school and college that support academic and career success.
How to Pick a College Major: Stop Thinking, Start Doing
If you're unsure what to major in, the key is to stop thinking about it and take action to figure it out! Start by reading our student writer's advice.
Our Best Advice for Homework, Studying, and Tests
Homework, studying, and tests, oh my! There's just so much work to be done, but don't stress. You can make your studies easier by checking out our best advice.
12 Up-and-Coming Majors to Consider for College
As society changes, new career fields need skilled, intelligent workers. Consider these 12 majors in your college search for a new and exciting career path.
4 Ways to Avoid Isolation as an Online Student
Feeling lonely as an online student? Here's what you can do to stay connected when you're not learning together in a physical classroom.
How to Succeed in College as an Adult Student
Higher education isn't exclusive to high school graduates. Adult learners have much to gain by going back to college or attending for the first time!
Your Ultimate Guide to a 4.0 Grade Point Average
Improving your grades is always a beneficial goal. Here's what a 4.0 GPA means for college-bound high schoolers, university students, and job seekers.
How Important Is Sleep to Academic Success?
Better sleep is a key component to better studying in college. Here's how you can improve your sleep and in turn boost your academic performance.
How to Create Your Own College Major, Step-by-Step
Can't find the right major for college? Interested in creating your own? Here's everything you need to know to make your individualized major a reality.
How a Liberal Arts Education Can Change Your Life
There are a lot of misconceptions about liberal arts education and the value of it for students. But the liberal arts can change your life, and here's how.
Pre-College Credit: How to Earn It and How It Transfers
There are plenty of ways to get credits for college in high school. Learn about different types of credits and how they might transfer with this helpful guide.
What Can You Do With an English Major?
Students often think the only thing you can do with an English major is teach. But that's far from true! Here's a look at a few awesome careers you can go into.
3 Things to Do to Ensure You Graduate College on Time
College life has bumps along the way you'll never anticipate. Here's some advice for making sure you stay on track and graduate on the right timeline.
What Can You Do With an International Relations Major?
An International Relations major can take you around the world. Keep Take a look at some common careers for students who major in this life-changing field.
The Secrets to Straight A's and Keeping (Most of) Your Sanity
The fight for good grades is as old as time. But how do you avoid losing your mind? Here's some advice from a student who's never gotten less than an A.
3 Great Career Options for History Majors
Majoring in History can lead to some exciting and rewarding careers. Take a look at three major career paths you could take with your history degree.
5 Genius Tips to Prepare for Your College Classes
Many students go to college unprepared for the differences between high school and college-level work. But with these five tips, that won't happen to you!
All About Pre-College Summer Programs
Summer programs are a great opportunity to boost your skills and stay sharp over the summer. Here's what you need to know and why you should consider one!
How to Change Your College Major, Step-By-Step
It's hard to admit you didn't choose the right major the first time, but we've got student and expert advice to help you make a better choice this time.
5 College Study Tips That Will Make Your Life Easier
Every student needs to learn how to study and manage their time in college because it's different than high school. Use these tips to get ahead of the curve.
Plagiarism: What It Is and How to Avoid It on Assignments
Plagiarizing can hurt you now and way into the future. But do you know what really counts as plagiarism? Hint: it's way more than copying someone else's essay.
What Can You Do With a Communications Major?
Your communications major could land you in many different careers after graduation. Here's a look at the fields you could go into as a communications major.
5 Smart Tips for Choosing Your College Classes
How do you choose classes that fit your major, your interests, and your schedule? It's easier than it sounds. Read a real college student's top tips here!
How to Choose Your Major and Explore All Your Options
Some colleges boast upwards of 300 majors. How are you supposed to decide on one, especially if you're not sure what you want to study? Learn more here!
4 Ways to Get Ahead in College and After You Graduate
Real-world experience in college is one of the secrets to getting ahead academically and professionally. Here are some opportunities to help you gain it.
4 Things to Consider When Choosing Electives in College
Electives shouldn't be considered throwaway classes you have to take to earn your college degree. Here's what you should think about when choosing your gen eds.
6 Quick Tips for Better Reading Comprehension
Students do a lot of reading in high school and college! Here are six tips to help improve your reading comprehension for tests and assignments.
5 Simple Ways You Can Make Studying More Fun
How do you make studying more fun? It's often a matter of doing a few simple things to make yourself more relaxed and open to enjoying the process.
Do You Read Too Much? How to Optimize Your Reading Time for School
You might be reading too much for class. Impossible, you say? Think again. Here are some tips on getting the most out of what and how much you're reading.
A Step-by-Step Guide for an Effective Research Paper
Research papers can't just be your standard five-paragraph essay. Here's some step-by-step advice for writing an effective paper that'll score you a good grade.
How to Improve Your Time Management and Study Skills
College is full of fun stuff like study groups, practices, last-minute trips...and classwork! Worried about fitting it all in? This college expert can help!
How You Can Benefit From Massive Open Online Courses
Wondering about massive open online courses? Learn about the credibility of these classes, benefits to students, and more with this introduction to MOOCs.
6 Simple Ways to Impress Your College Professors
Being a model student will impress your professors and help you make the most of your college career too. Here's how to be memorable for all the right reasons.
5 Smart Study Tips for All Students
You know how to study—at least, you should know how to study—but students often cram the night before and call it studying. Here are five ways to study smarter.
3 Reasons Why Gen Ed Classes Aren't a Waste of Time
General education courses aren't just "fluff" classes. Here are three reasons why gen eds are worth your time and effort as you work toward your college degree.
Rewarding Career Ideas for 5 Liberal Arts Majors
There's a common misconception about limited job prospects for liberal arts degrees. But there are more career options than you think—here are just a few!
Poli-Sci in the Real World: Different Careers You Could Pursue
Majoring in Political Science doesn't mean you have to run for office someday. Here's a look at seven professionals and how they use their Poli-Sci degrees.
Math in the Real World: Different Careers You Could Pursue
What kind of job can you get after college with a Math degree? We have the answer(s)! Here's a look at eight different experts working in the field.
Why Picking a College Major Isn't the Same as Choosing a Career
Think you're locked into a certain career by declaring a major? Think again! Here's how your field of study can lead to a variety of postgrad job options.
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