7 Great Minors to Pair With Your English Major

Thinking about majoring in English? With the right minor, you could expand your career horizons even more! These are some of the best choices.

So you want to be an English major? Your family and friends may have already told you that your career options will be limited. Not only is that simply untrue, but with the right minor to pair with your major, you could expand your career horizons even more! Here are some of the best minors to pair with an English major.

1. Journalism

Journalism, of course, is the first minor that comes to people’s minds as a match for an English major. Indeed, if you like writing, editing, and/or reporting, this minor would be perfect for you. With a minor in journalism, you could work at a newspaper, magazine, publishing company, or other media outlet. CNN, here you come!

2. Linguistics

If you’re fascinated with words and where they come from, then a Linguistics minor may be for you. By delving into the world of linguistics, you will learn about syntax, word origins, and the science of language. Another cool plus? Linguistics often makes you explore other languages as well. So if you’ve always had a secret passion for Vietnamese, here’s your chance to study it! In terms of career options, a Linguistics minor would make you a more suitable candidate for a job in technical writing, proofreading, or translation. You could also teach English as a Second Language.

Related: How Knowing a Foreign Language Can Help Your Career

3. Creative Writing

This one’s a given for anyone who dreams of writing creatively for a living. With a minor in Creative Writing, your fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction skills will be greatly strengthened. Career-wise, a Creative Writing minor opens the doors to jobs in marketing, screenwriting, playwriting, and more. Get your creative juices flowing!

4. Psychology

While a Psychology minor seems a little offbeat, it could have surprising benefits for English majors. Learning how the human mind works can be very useful in crafting realistic characters or in writing nonfiction that is better suited for a particular audience. While it’s difficult to pinpoint a specific career path that would be open to someone with an English major and a Psychology minor, learning the intricacies of the human mind could be a useful skill at large.

5. Communications

A minor in Communications is a great choice for English majors because English, after all, is what we use to communicate! Minoring in Communications will allow you to improve your interpersonal skills and better understand what makes a message “click” in the minds of others. If you’re interested in a career in public relations or marketing, this minor would be a great choice for you.

Related: What Can You Do With a Communications Major?

6. Theatre Arts

Calling all drama kids! If you dream of a career in playwriting, this is definitely the way to go. By minoring in Theatre Arts, you will get a thorough understanding of how the theatre works beyond just the writing element. Keep in mind that playwriting is not the only writing job in the theatre—there’s also a lot of marketing and publicity involved.

7. Education

An English major always leaves the possibility open for you to become an English teacher. However, you will be a much more appealing candidate for a teaching job if you also have a background in education. Even if teaching is not your dream, having a minor in Education is a good thing to fall back on. And if you do dream of being in the classroom, this minor is definitely for you!

Related: Unique Writing Jobs for Students Majoring in English

Still unsure of what minor to choose? Good news: today, many colleges and universities allow you to double-minor in more than one area. While the course load might be heavy, the sense of fulfillment may be well worth it. College is a time to learn about new things, so if you’re up for the challenge, feel free to explore more than one minor (or major). Best of luck on your educational journey!

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About Tamar Lilienthal

Tamar Lilienthal is a high school senior from Coral Springs, Florida. Her passion has been writing for as long as she can remember, and she hopes to pursue it as a career. She has written for publications like National Geographic Kids, and she is so excited that she has the opportunity to write for CollegeXpress! Tamar is also a dancer, and she is trained in tap, ballet, jazz, and contemporary. She loves sunny weather and her cockapoo, Bubbles. She plans on taking a gap year and then attending the University of Pennsylvania in fall 2019. 


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