- A. C. Asbury, D.V.M. Equine Scholarship Fund
- A. Didier Graeffe Scholarship
- A.S. Herlong Graduate Fellowship
- Airth, Sisler, Clayton, & Warren Scholarship
- Alumni Graduate Fellowship
- American Association of Cost Engineers Scholarship
- American Nuclear Society Nuclear Engineering Scholarship
- American Orchid Society 11th World Orchid Conference Fellowship
- Andrew Ferendino Endowed Fund
- Barbara A. and John M. Cirino Scholarship
- Barry Douglas Memorial Fellowship
- Beers Construction Scholarship
- Benedict A. Silverman Minority Tuition Scholarship
- Boeing Defense and Space Group Scholarship
- Buddy Davis Scholarship
- Butler Polymer Research Laboratory Graduate Fellowship
- C.G. Chase Construction Minority Scholarship
- CLAS Dissertation Award
- Camp, Dresser, and McKee Endowed Graduate Fellowship
- Carlton, Fields, Ward, Emmanuel, Smith, & Cutler Scholarship
- Clifford A. & Michele Schulman Scholarship
- Coca-Cola Minority Scholarship
- College of Education Minority Teacher Education Scholarship
- College of Journalism & Communications Teaching & Research Assistantship
- College of Liberal Arts and Sciences/Bredahl Endowment Scholarship
- College of Pharmacy Scholarship
- Dan Bradley Memorial Scholarship
- Daniel Sinclair Bredahl Academic Year Abroad Scholarship
- Darrey A. Davis Memorial Scholarship
- Dean, Mead Scholarship
- Department of Health & Human Services Public Health Service Training Grant
- Dixie Bayer Wellmon Endowment
- Dorini Family Graduate Tax Scholarship
- Dunspaugh-Dalton Foundation Scholarship
- Edwin C. & Mary Kirkland Dissertation Fellowship
- Edwin C. and Mary Kirkland Fellowship
- Elsie Emery Scholarship
- Engineering Research Center for Particle Science and Technology Undergraduate Scholarship
- Erwin Gerber Memorial Scholarship
- Evelyn F. Hartman Scholarship
- F. Eugene Tubbs Critical Burn Care Nursing Scholarship
- F. Louis Wolff Scholarship
- Fisher Fellowship
- Florida A&M University (FAMU) Feeder Program
- Florida Bar Foundation, Glenn Terrell Scholarship Fund
- Florida Business Roundtable Scholarship
- Florida Times-Union Scholarship
- Ford Motor Company Placement Assistantship
- Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship
- Frank E. Bryant Memorial Scholarship
- Frank W. Reed Scholarship
- Freedom Forum Minority Scholarship
- Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship
- G. and S. Tedder Scholarship
- Gahan Research Assistantship
- Gainesville Builders Association Scholarship
- Gene and Barbara Baston Scholarship
- General Electric Foundation Forgivable Loan
- General Electric Minority Engineering Faculty Development Initiative Doctoral Fellowship
- Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need Doctoral Fellowship
- Gray, Harris, & Robinson Scholarship
- Grebe-Wahlberg Memorial Scholarship
- Grinter Fellowships
- Guy W. Botts Memorial Scholarship
- HOK Graduate Fellowship
- Hal W. Lively Memorial Scholarship
- Herbert S. Dolgoff Graduate Radio Assistantship
- Holbrook Construction Scholarship
- Holland & Knight Scholarship
- Hughes Memorial Graduate Scholarship
- Hughes Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship
- ITT-Rayonier Foundation Senior Scholarship
- Icard, Merrill, Cullis, Timm, Furen, & Ginsburg Tuition Scholarship
- Industrial and Systems Engineering Graduate Award
- Irving Cypen Freshman Scholarship
- J. Wayne Reitz Undergraduate Scholars Program
- J.W. Martin and A.M. Martin Phillips Scholarship
- Jacksonville Law Alumni Tuition Scholarship
- James A. Cummings Scholarship
- James Gamble Rogers Award
- James and Margaret Gahan Graduate Scholarship
- Jaqua Scholarship
- John B. Boy/U.S. Sugar Corp. Scholarship for Agricultural and Biological Engineering
- John B. Boy/U.S. Sugar Scholarship for Mechanical Engineering
- John C. Pinkerton Scholarship
- John E. Morton Award
- John Stovall Memorial Award for Outstanding Achievement
- John W. Thatcher Graduate Tax Scholarship
- Johnson Memorial Scholarship
- Johnson S. Savary Scholarship
- Jones-Edmunds Fellowship
- Joseph L. Brechner FOI Graduate Assistantship
- Joseph R. Julin Memorial Scholarship
- Judge George C. Carr Memorial Scholarship
- Judy Lynn Prince Scholarship
- Jules B. Chapman, M.D. Scholarship
- Justus W. Reid Scholarship
- Kappa Delta Pi Educational Counselor's Scholarship
- Kappa Delta Pi Educational Foundation Laureate Doctoral Scholarship
- Karl and Madira Bickel Graduate Assistantship
- Keene Graduate Fellowship
- Knight Foundation Minority Scholarship
- LaFontaine Memorial Scholarship
- Lake Lytal Jr. African-American Student Scholarship
- Lane, Trohn, Clarke, Bertrand, Vreeland, & Jacobsen Scholarship
- Law Faculty Scholarship
- Lew Sarette Scholar
- Lewis and Varnia Vaugn Fellowship in Orchid Biology
- Lippman Award
- Louis Holloway Memorial Award
- MacFarlane, Ferguson, Allison, & Kelley Scholarship
- Manning J. Dauer Fellowship
- McKnight Doctoral Fellowship
- Meredith Lewis Glover Memorial Scholarship
- Miami Herald Minority Scholarship
- Motorola Fellowship
- Muriel Rumsey Foundation Fellowship
- National Academy for Nuclear Training Fellowship
- National Academy for Nuclear Training Scholarship
- National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) Foundation Loan
- National Physical Science Consortium Fellowship
- New York Times Minority Scholarship
- Norman Shulevitz Foundation Scholarship
- O. Ruth McQuown Scholarship
- Orlando Sentinel/Sun-Sentinel of Ft. Lauderdale Minority Scholarship
- Otis A. Skinner Scholarship
- Palm Beach Post Minority Scholarship
- Patricia L. Shannon Scholarship
- Phelps Foundation Scholarship
- Philip L. Graham Minority Scholarship
- Phillip J. MacLennan Memorial Scholarship
- Pre-Pharmacy Scholarship for Minority Students
- Proctor Fellowship
- Ralph R. Bailey Scholarship
- Ralph and Bronia Lowenstein Fellowship
- Robert C. Pittman Graduate Fellowship
- Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program
- Schutts & Bowen Eric B. Meyers/William P. Simmons, Jr./Thomas L. Wolfe Memorial Tuition Scholarship
- Scott Companies Graduate Fellowship
- Shands Hospital Board of Directors Scholarship
- Shands Hospital Pharmacy Scholarship
- Shelley Memorial Scholarship
- St. Petersburg Times Minority Scholarship
- St. Petersburg Times/James P. Kerlin Assistantship
- Terrye Coggin Proctor Memorial Scholarship
- Terrye Coggin Proctor Tuition Scholarship
- Texas Instruments Fellowship
- U.S. Department of Energy Nuclear Engineering Scholarship
- United States Golf Association David Earl Memorial Scholarship
- University of Florida Incentive Scholarship Program
- Veterinary Auxiliary Scholarship
- Virgil Hawkins Fellowship
- W. Paul and Erin C. Shelley Scholarship
- Walgreens Scholarship in Pharmaceutical Care
- Wiliam F. & Elizabeth R. Leonard/Judge William T. Hodges Tuition Scholarship
- William E. Crown Jr. Family Fellowship
- William E. Davis Family Fellowship
- Wilse and Else Jennings Scholarship
- Zora Neale Hurston Scholarship